What are the Principles of GDPR? Data minimisation Under. These principles outline the obligations that organizations must adhere to when they collect, process and store an individual’s personal data. Obtain the data on a lawful basis, leave the individual fully informed and keep your word.

The concept of lawfulness states that all processes you have that in any way relate personal data of EU citizens must meet the requirements described in the GDPR. That includes data collection, data storing and data processing. The legislation has directions and norms for every step of your data management policy. Fairness means that your actions – whether you are a data controller or a data processor – must match up with how it was described to data subject.
Simply put, keep the promise you. See full list on amara-marketing. As we said before in the concept of fairness, you need to stay true to your promise.

In the notice, besides other things, you must inform your clients about the purpose of the data collection. As stated in the legislation, this purpose must be “specifie explicit and legitimate”. Note that under the GDPR you will actually have to justify the amount of data collecte so make sure to design an adequate policy and document it. Personal data must be “accurate and where necessary kept up to date”.