In NSW , you can only change your name once in a 12-month period and times in your lifetime. Marriage certificate from Births, Deaths and Marriages. Take your original BDM marriage certificate and current license. You need to do this in person.

How do you change your name in New South Wales? What is priority name change? How to apply for a change of name? The process of changing your name is simple with some guidance.
Our name change checklist below is a simple tool to help you keep track of who you have informed of your name change , and who you still need to inform. You will need to scan your ID documents as you will need to upload them during the online application process. NSW for 3 consecutive years immediately prior to your application.
To register a change of name for a child under years, both parents must make a joint application. See transitional provisions for wills made before this date. This checklist is intended as a guide for more straight forward applications for probate. NSW birth certificate or change of name certificate. We don’t require a separate name change certificate if your name change is registered in an amended Australian birth certificate or Australian citizenship certificate.
Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages in Australia. We can provide all your name change paperwork in just minutes! Get ready to send forms, letters and faxes in your name. Our database provides fully researched name change procedures and. This name change kit will help you with any type of name change you like.

You can change to your spouse’s name, hyphenate your name, double barrel your name, make up a new name, change your first and middle name as well, and any other kind of name change you can think of! To change your name on other I like your passport or driver licence, you need evidence to show you’ve officially changed your name. Order a new birth certificate to prove you’ve changed your name.
If you were born in NZ. This will show your new name and all your previously registered names. Not all of these places will apply to you, and some you can complete before others, but consider this your checklist for finalizing the post-wedding name change process.

Approximately of newlyweds choose to change their name , and if this is also you, your options for changing your name are endless! Your name won’t automatically be changed on your other documents. It includes a huge checklist for your name change , instructions for the most common businesses and organisations you will need to contact, forms you will need to use when changing your name after marriage, letter templates and a massive.
Change your name on your official IDs. Below is a short list of places that you will need to change your name. A name change kit could save you a lot of time if you are going to change your name.
We sell a name change kit that includes instructions for legally changing your name , how to notify different organisations about your name change , frequently asked questions about name change after divorce or separation and the checklist included is very handy. Service NSW ) completed change of name and use of other names or aliases form. Visit our COVID-page for information and advice on the assistance available for NSW residents and businesses. For adults (people more than years old) – you can only register a change of name once every months unless a NSW magistrates court approves the change because of exceptional circumstances.
Or for a child between one and years old. Ask about the documents you need when applying to businesses and government agencies to change your name. Browse information about NSW driver licence.