Oci reference number

Oci reference number

Same File Reference Number for many applicants – OCI. How to register for OCI registration? How long does it take to process an OCI application? What is the OCI process?

Can OCI status be used for life in India? At the end of the application, you will get a NEW WEB REFERENCE NUMBER from the Government Online NRI OCI application form which will now be the number to be used on the CKGS website to continue the process. Note- To know the status of your OCI -Application, provide your Passport Number along with Online File Reference Number. Take careful note of the web reference number , you will need the same to track your OCI application status.

The application forms must have one original photo per form and the signature on form must be within the box. Hi, I filled out Part A online, but was unable to print Part B due to printer problems. As of now, I do not have.

Oci reference number

Once you start your application, you will be provided with a unique web reference number. It’s important that you write this down. You will be using this number for tracking your application and have to provide it when making inquiries.

Step – Start Your Application. OCI Card Experiences – OCI minor application – problem with web reference number. Coronavirus coverage in travel insurance.

Welcome, Guest Login Register for Free! Thank You, for your interest in Online OCI-Registration Process. You may register for more family members, before starting Part-B Registration.

You will receive a file reference number which demonstrates that CKGS has received your application. You can fill in Part B manually with a pen in blue or black ink. Then you just have to sign Part A and B and you are ready to submit your OCI application.

Oci reference number

Click Click to save the details and exit in case you wish to fill the form later. Exit in case you do not wish to save the details. If Spouse Nationality is selected as India then enter Marriage registration date and Spouse’s OCI card details. Originator Contact Information ( OCI ) – Used by the RDFI to request contact information from the ODFI. If you need to send an OCI , submit an exception request to the Federal Reserve Banks.

Now you can begin with your. Remember once you complete the Online OCI Form on the Government of India website, you have. OCI card through Cox and Kings Global Services, the official OCI partner of the Embassy of India. OCI ( Overseas Citizenship of India ) cards. Home › Consular Services › OCI.

OCI -Registration Reprint option by supplying reference number (registration number ), passport number and Date of Birth. Incomplete registrations are not available for printing. Web Reference Number.

When I filled my Part A information, it gave me temporary application ID and File reference number. Because I need to fill remaining information and print the document, I tried accessing my application by OCI enquiry etc. But, I have no success since last 4-days.

Oci reference number

Should I fill the form again or enquire to high commission? The domain ociregistration.