Migration courses

Migration courses from top universities and industry leaders. Courses are intended to be taken by those wishing to further their personal development. Whether you take the courses in a classroom or online, there are a variety of specialized study areas.

This course will present multiple perspectives on mobility and human rights. Leading experts drawn from the academy and international institutions will address the most pressing issues of the day — including migrant workers, gender, racism and xenophobia, human trafficking, child migration , immigration enforcement, and forced migration.

In this 4-week course, we’ll give you an introduction to data migration, and where it fits in with respect to the different transition scenarios. What is a graduate migration law? We’ll focus on the new implementation scenario. We’ll explain this in detail with system demos.

This second week focuses on the file and stagi. See full list on open. However, we’ll also offer optional hands-on exercises so you can better familiarize yourself with the different migration approaches.

For these exercises, you can use a system image from the SAP Cloud Appliance Library. We’ll provide details on how to access the system image and the costs at the beginning of the course. Graduates of this course will meet the knowledge requirement for registration as a migration agent.

There are additional requirements for registration as a migration agent. An entry-level course , the class requires no previous knowledge on the subject of immigration and migration. Working Supportively With Refugees: Principles, Skills and Perspectives.

In this course , you will learn strategies for planning and migrating existing workloads to the AWS Clou including portfolio discovery, application migration planning and design, migration execution, and post- migration validation and application optimization. Edx offers both individual courses and advanced programs designed to help you learn about laws and issues surrounding immigration in an engaging and effective online learning environment complete with video tutorials, quizzes and more. Additionally, edX offers the option to pursue verified certificates in online courses. This three-week course is intended for individuals who are interested in learning more about why migration to cities occurs and what its impact is, regardless of educational background and work experience. FORMAT The MOOC lasts weeks and focuses on various themes related to migration.

It makes use of various types of document, such as maps, news articles, and scientific papers. At the end of the training program, there will be quizzes that perfectly reflect the type of questions asked in the respective certification exams and helps you score better marks in the certification exam. These courses are not open to the public, access is only allowed by previous request.

You must complete the four required courses and any two electives for a total of 15.

Continuing Education Units (CEUs), which is equivalent to 152. All six courses must be completed within a two-year period. The course provides a broa theoretical understanding of human mobility and the role of both internal and international migration in economic and political processes, social change and globalisation, as well as an overview of the major debates and literature on contemporary migration. Cloud Computing is hottest buzzwords now a days.

If you do not see a course listed that you believe should be offered for such credit, please contact the Center with the course information, including the relevant syllabus! The course finishes up with country case studies from both migrant sending countries and migrant receiving countries. Research is a large component of this degree.

Students learn immigration policies, research methods, labor migration , displacement and development in the modern worl and global trends. Individual course paths can be tailored depending on the scholar’s interests and future career goals. The course emphasises problem-base real-life interactive learning experiences. The route to certification and accreditation is through training. A standard day course provides the foundation for: Certification – for individuals.

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