Depress in a sentence

How to use depress in a sentence. Example sentences with the word depress. Depress in a sentence 1. It sounded sad and depress. It was beginning to depress her.

All else had the potential to depress. After changing stations depress the red. This didn’t depress Oleo’s moo however.

This was particularly so for women carers of those with dementia, of whom were depressed compared with of carers of the physically impaired. From Cambridge English Corpus. Among the subjects who were depressed in the initial interview, had recovere were depressed and were dead. Antonyencourage , inspire.

In most video games, dying or failing a level will depress your score will taking down enemies or passing levels will raise it.

Our efforts to depress the crime rate in the city have been met with many obstacles, namely the organized gangs in the area. Synonyblue , dispirited , down in the mouth , down , downcast , downhearted , indented , low , low-spirited. Similar words: depression , represent , for the present , press , impress , press for , representation , representative. The depressed mother decided to talk to a counselor about her feelings of unhappiness.

Because she is so depressed , Barbara cries in her bed all day long. Medication helped the depressed man stop feeling so sad and get back to a normal. Definition of depress. My mother has had depression.

My depression is lifting, too. Kate was in a deep depression. Of course, she has depression. A depression going back years. It can lessen your depression.

Because his sister stayed in bed all day and wouldn’t stop crying, Lenny was sure she was suffering from depression. The nursing student learned that those suffering from depression often have low self-esteem and are extremely sad. English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families.

To make depresse sad or bored.

To cause a depression or a decrease in parts of the economy. Lower productivity will eventually depress wages. Taria pressed and depressed the bomb trigger twice, and everyone could hear the double clunk of the bombs falling out of the bomb bay. Integral with the map is the audio component that allows a visitor to locate, select, and depress buttons that activate voice descriptions of specific areas of the building or exhibit. Your job is to create and post a new, better sentence in the comment box, using the same word.

Yes, I’ll be the judge. He was depressed and discouraged. But he had never been depressed in her company. Arthur is very much depressed at times. He has been suffering from depression since his wife was killed in a car accident.

Daphne became quite depressed after she was fired from her job at the department store. Her depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Set in a shallow, amphitheaterlike depression , once a gravel pit supplying material for the Thruway, it covers acres. The second undamped system criticals show a greater percentage depression than the.

The lost riches helped spark an economic depression that lasted three years. The hurricane caused an economic. How do you use depress in a sentence ? Translations of the phrase SERIOUSLY DEPRESSED from english to finnish and examples of the use of SERIOUSLY DEPRESSED in a sentence with their translations: I was actually seriously depressed for about 3-months after. Acupressure is manual pressure applied to a specific slightly depressed point on the body. What are synonyms for depress ? Of the three bromides in common use the potassium salt is the most rapid and certain in its action, but may depress the.

Promised to depress the Irish woollen trade, he promised to do.

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