Consider if you will that if your an assistant to the U. Ambassador then you are working at that station where the Ambassador is located. The Ambassador of ( for instance) The Federal Republic of Germany – The Right Honorable. Ambassador, followed by the memo as you see it is not full of courtsies and excellencies. How to start a summary?
What is the best way to summarize?
Once you have all your information, and you know what will need to be communicated in the essay and how you will organize it, writing it should be easy. A memo should be short and informational, between one and three pages long. The language should be simple and declarative, informing the reader efficiently what they need to know. Write with the same clarity, grace, and efficiency expected of you in any essay. The first part of a memo is the header.
The header gives information about the author, the intended recipient, the subject, the date, and the names of other people who may see the memo (cc). Many companies insert a smaller version of the letterhead at the top of the page. You should use the right.
Go directly to the point- after deciding on what you are going to write on, you should avoid the.