Man is a tool-using animal. Without tools he is nothing, with tools he is all. Thomas Carlyle One only needs two tools in life: WD-to make things go, and duct tape to make them stop.
To be proficient in any craft or hobby the proper tools are essential. Quality tools designed specifically for the stained glass artist make the job easier. Stock up on basic supplies like solder, foil, pre-tinned wire, and much more.
Delphi has everything you need for your stained glass studio. Delphi Makes It Easy: More tools including glass cutters can be found in our Glass Tools section. Every tool for the stained glass crafter is here. Great prices on grinders, saws, soldering irons and other supplies.
Cut down on waste and achieve precision fits with a grinder that matches your particular needs. Stained Glass Grinder. Read reviews of different grinders and find out which one comes out top for value and quality.
Grinders are verging on the essential for the copper foil technique.
Standing around a large craft table of family and friends creating stained glass art, sharing tools and tips, is a great way to enjoy the art of stained glass. (more…)