With a learning guide packed full of fascinating crystal facts and a real fluorite specimen include you get the most comprehensive crystal kit on the market! Grow amazing glowing crystals in your own home! It comes with materials to grow crystals, a lighted base to display them, and. When we pour crystal mix into very hot water it breaks in small particles. National Geographic Crystal Growing Kit brings you a fun and fascinating science experiment.
These particles are much smaller than our eye can see. Now we have crystal solution so dense that if we put more powder in it, the powder will not dissolve. Water cools down slowly, some part of it evaporates. Now it can’t take the content dissolved and the particles start to gather together in groups.
Over time the groups attach to each other to form larger integrations. We finally get the crystal the way we want: with linear and flat edges. See full list on bestbabykit. It is one of the most popular kits on the market at the moment.
No wonder: for the really low price we receive a full set of seven separate crystals growing experiments. The kit also includes detailed colorful instructions so you will not have any difficulties with experiments. Seven experiments in one kit. Best value for the money.
You can grow eight bright crystals of different colors! (more…)