What is intranet

What is intranet

The term is used in contrast to public networks, such as the Internet, but uses most of the same technology based on the Internet Protocol Suite. Intranet is a private network used by an organisation. The primary purpose of an intranet is to help employees to securely communicate among each other, to store information and to help collaboration. Modern intranets use social features that allow employees to create profiles and to submit, like, comment and share posts. An Intranet differs from the internet, which is a public network.

Intranet, which refers to an enterprise’s internal website or partial IT infrastructure, may host more than one private website and is a critical component for internal communication and collaboration. This network can consist of systems connected local area (Local Area Networks, LAN) or sometimes, even extensive area networks (Wide Area Networks, WAN). The prefix intra means internal and therefore implies an intranet is designed for internal communications. Inter (as in Internet) means between or among. Since there is only one Internet, the word Internet is capitalized.

It serves a broad range of purposes and uses, but at its core, an intranet is there to help employees. See full list on webopedia. Like the Internet itself, intranets are used to share information.

What is intranet

Secure intranets are now the fastest-growing segment of the Internet because they are much less expensive to build and manage than private networks based on proprietary protocols. This is in contrast to the Internet, which is public access. According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, the prefix intra- is Latin for within. For example, HowStuffWorks. Web site hosted by a Web server connected to the Internet.

Intranet is a private network that is only available by authorized users. Prefix intra means inner and thus intranet designed for internal communication. The purpose of an intranet is to support the employee experience, connecting them and keeping them up to date on work happenings, important information, and even social events. Further, it is open to everyone in the company who as an active internet connection.

What is intranet

Learn more about how intranets work at HowStuffWorks. It is designed for the exclusive use of an organization and its associates, such as employees, customers, and other authorized people. The intranet is a private network that belongs to a particular organization. It offers a secure platform to convey information and share data with authorized users.

You might have also heard of an extranet. The distinction between an intranet and an extranet is that while an intranet is limited in access to an organization, an extranet may be accessed by authorized third parties such as customers, vendors, or partners. A mobile and intelligent intranet connects you, your teams, and your organization. Improve employee satisfaction, productivity, and retention. As such, it has tremendous effects on the way your employees work and feel.

It’s what an intranet definition is in simple, everyday language. It’s a website, communications channel, knowledge management tool, and collaboration platform. It helps people work better by combining the best features of s, blogs, document and content management systems. It’s your company home-base, team touchpoint, central repository, multifunctional communication tool and more. A private network using some technologies which are accessible to only an organization staff.

It was established using the techniques of WAN (wide area network) and LAN (local area network). An intranet wears many hats inside an organization. It requires authentication to access and is thus protected from unauthenticated access.

What is an Intranet Used For? If the LAN provides access to the Internet, the intranet resides behind a firewall, with no gateway to, or from the Internet. Unlike public websites, which enable organizations to communicate and broadcast their value proposition to customers, users an in general, external stakeholders, Intranets are meant to enable internal communication and collaboration.