Trade name search

PLEASE DO NOT SEND CASH! Filing Length:Trade Names last for years from the date of receipt. Trademarks last for years from the date of receipt. Prior to expiration, you have up to six months to renew your trade name or trademark.

If your filing is not renewed on time, your trade name or trademark can be registered by someone else.

Processing Time: – weeks for applications requiring review. See full list on azsos. File a patent application online with EFS-web. You can find the right business name with creativity and market research.

Once you’ve picked your name , you should protect it by registering it with the right agencies. Easy online tools to register and start a business in Marylan register a trade name in Maryland and establish tax accounts in Maryland. How do you register a trade name?

What is a trade name then? How to register a Michigan DBA? The search is NOT case sensitive. All letters will be treated as uppercase. Enter one or more known words (i.e., Keywords) that are part of the entity name.

Let our office help you break new ground and grow your business in Arizona! Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Notary Public. ADDITIONAL SEARCH INSTRUCTIONS. The entity name may be entered in upper, lower or mixed case.

In general, entering a larger portion of the name will result in fewer entity names being listed. Enter the name or number required you wish to search. Office of the Georgia Secretary of State Attn: MLK, Jr. If you have thought of the perfect name for your business but are not yet ready to register it, you can reserve the name by contacting sdat.

If your business is a corporation or limited liability entity, the name must indicate the type of entity (such as Corp., Inc., LLC, etc.). Enable Javascript for Better Performance.

This type of search identifies trademarks that may not be identical, but may block your efforts at registration for other reasons. The database uses an indexing system for several commonly used words, symbols and punctuation marks referred to as stop words. The 10-second business name creator.

It takes years to create a great bran but you can have a creative brand name in seconds. Shopify’s free naming brand generator lets you jump from naming your brand to securing the domain name , to starting your small business – all in a few clicks. Any business found that matches the search criteria will be returned regardless of status or availability of the name for a new business registration. Find the business in the below and click to view the official business profile.

From your business ’s profile click the Add Filing button. Show me similar sounding registered agent names Please type the text as shown in the image (Case sensitive): NH Department of State, 1North Main St. Oregon Secretary of State Corporate Division. Search by business name or registry number.

It is vital that you do not copy the name of an existing organisation in your field there are already million businesses, 2. UK domain names – and there are 2000. Required: You must enter an entity name. Additional search information. NOW PUBLICATIONS INC.

Look up a business or professional license License Lookup. If their license is active. When their license expires. Check trade names in other provinces and territories.

After searching the national databases, you may also want to search registered trade names in other provinces and territories if you ever plan to do business there. Registering a trade name (operating name ) does not give a business exclusive rights to use. Note: Statements of Information for common interest developments must be submitted on paper, by mail or in person (drop off), at this time. Enter search criteria into one of the below search fields (required): Entity Name : Statutory Agent Name : Principal Name : Entity ID: Filter By. Business names index search.

Provides a list of registered and cancelled business names and any details we have for them.