Before writing the probation termination letter , the employer or human resource person should review the employee’s evaluation report. This will give details and facts about the employee’s performance during the probation period. It should give an accurate account of the employee’s strengths and weaknesses in the job.

However, there has been no change in your performance. You are being given a days’ notice during which you will be allowed to clear your dues with the company. Thank you for providing us your services. Sincerely, Name of Employee Human Resources Company Name.
Can I terminate an employee for poor performance? Can employer dismiss employee during probationary period? What to do before probation termination? He is going to leave the job or business for one or another reason. The most common reason for dismissal during the probationary period is if the staff member doesn’t have the skills required for the role.

It could also be down to: Gross misconduct. Extended absences due to sickness. According to Acas’s guide to dismissal during the probation period , employees are still entitled to a. We have observed that your performance in the company is unsatisfactory. Document issues, and make the employee aware of them. Schedule another review.
Give them a probation period to fix the problems. Don’t procrastinate when it comes to firing. Keep the termination meeting short, stick to the facts, be clear and firm. Incentivize them to sign a release. Have them leave the premises.
Unusable Reasons for Probation Termination Letters. You can’t just terminate an employee during the probation period just because you have the power to do so. Employers can only terminate these employees if they have a good reason to, usually if it’s something that heavily affects the company in a negative way. In the event that there is a continuation of your poor performance , we shall terminate your employment without further notice.
This probationary period is designed to provide you an opportunity to prove to us that our confidence in you is well justified. We hope you use this opportunity to your advantage. During the meeting, confirm that the employee received and understood the letter. Then, give them the opportunity to respond to the issues that you raised.
Make a decision on the outcome of the probationary period —in this case, the termination of your employee’s contract. In this case, the minimum employment period (and thus maximum probationary period ) is twelve months, giving small business owners more time to decide if an employee is a good fit for their business. Within the time periods specified in the legislation, you can decide the length of the probation period at the start of employment. A probation period should not be longer than months at most.
Should a newly appointed employee not meet the requirements of the job, the employer needs to follow certain steps in order to dismiss the employee. Templates to help manage probation. Sample Employment Termination Letter – Probationary Period – Unacceptable Performance. Letter to an employee confirming their dismissal for poor performance during a probationary period.

Author: Tim Russell and Lynda Macdonald. When to use this model probation letter. An employer has the right to require a newly hired employee to serve a period of probation before confirmation of permanent appointment. Termination : Probationary periods are often used as grounds for determining whether termination is necessary.
If the employer determines that they need more time to assess the employee’s suitability, the employer should write up the reasons why they are unable to confirm the employee in their role. Expressing regret is appropriate during a layoff. A stern tone is best when dealing with behavior resulting in an immediate termination.
They express ownership for the decision.