Tenant advocacy groups

We have been helping renters deal with tough landlord issues for over years. HOME Line provides free and low-cost legal , organizing , education , and advocacy services so that tenants throughout Minnesota can solve their own rental housing problems. We work to improve public and private policies relating to rental housing by involving affected tenants in the process. Offers free legal services regarding housing to low-income individuals and families.

Provides attorneys for targeted advocacy , education and representation in housing court and landlord-tenant cases. Hosts free tenant clinics and a tenant rights hotline.

From our five years of organizing tenants against evictions and harassment, with rent strikes, direct action, and media campaigns, we know tenants need to come together, all of us, to win the rent forgiveness we need. Donations of all sizes help ensure TRAC can continue to provide free legal education, representation, and advocacy to tenants in British Columbia. As a registered charity, TRAC can provide a tax receipt to all donors. Communication issues with Your Landlord? Disputes–actual and potential–come in all shapes and sizes for landlords and tenants.

Whether it’s a disagreement over a rent increase, late rental payment, questions regarding responsibility for repairs or return of a security deposit, rarely should lawyers and litigation be the first choice for resolving a landlord- tenant dispute. The workshops cover topics such as: basics of fair housing law, how to detect discriminatory practices, protections for immigrants, people with disabilities and families with children, occupancy standards and differences between fair housing and landlord- tenant laws. Below is a list of tenant groups of which we aware.

Listing on this page is not an endorsement of the policies and actions of the group. Inexpensive legal kits and attorney consultations to help renters succeed. Landlord and tenant law in South Carolina – to common questions from SC Appleseed Legal Justice Center. We organize and support people to be agents of change in their own lives by addressing the issues they care about.

We need your talents! Contact us for volunteer opportunities today. The advocacy groups told tenants to lock their doors and keep property management companies out of the rental. Then, the five days would pass by without anyone being able to access the property. The tenant walked away without any repercussions, and the advocacy group was $5richer.

If you are a renter and need some advice or assistance with an issue related to your housing, the following organizations may be able to help you. Coalition for Economic Survival. There is no organization dedicated to advocating for the rights of tenants, and a new study finds they lose nearly every eviction case.

The organizations that support the Housing Justice for All campaign are united in our fight for stronger tenant protections, an end to evictions, and an end to homelessness in New York. As a diverse group of advocates, not all supporting organizations endorse every plank of our platform. We specialize in helping tenants lawfully break their leases while recovering deposits. Help us change costly screening and application fees, wrongful evictions, discrimination and other housing barriers. Ontario’s Bill 1has raised the ire of tenant advocacy groups over concerns it will drive renters further into debt while making evictions easier for landlords.

Provides low cost legal assistance to residential and commercial tenants.

By providing information and referrals, education about rental rights and responsibilities, and access to conflict resolution, we empower the. Tenant Summit Videos. Low-income tenants – predominantly low-wage workers, families with children, people living with disabilities, seniors, and people of color – are our primary membership base. California tenants have important rights, and they do not have to put up with oppressive landlords and unhealthy living conditions.

The legal protections that tenants enjoy include both substantive rights (because a tenancy is a property interest), and also procedural rights (because the Constitution guarantees due process). Safe, affordable housing is disappearing throughout the city. The housing crisis brought on by rising rents is hitting communities of color, single parent households, people with disabilities, and veterans particularly hard.

Eviction uproots families, jeopardizing. Our mission is to ensure housing stability by rectifying Fair Housing Act violations and empowering tenants to exercise their rights through mediation, advocacy , and education. A non-profit community-based organization providing counseling, training and client advocacy services to low- and moderate-income renters, homebuyers and tenants secure and maintain safe and affordable housing.

They also provide information for tenants.