Your safe work method statement ( SWMS ) template. Ensure site-specific safe work method statements ( SWMS ) are in place for all high-risk construction work – use this template and sample. HIGH RISK CONSTRUCTION WORK SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT TEMPLATE Note Work must be performed in accordance with this SWMS. This SWMS must be kept and be available for inspection until the high risk construction work to which this SWMS relates is completed. If the SWMS is revise all versions should be kept.

So how do you obtain a high quality SWMS Template that is specific to your business and work activity? Use this template to identify and describe specific hazards for high-risk construction work and determine the control measures to be put in place for safe completion of work. You can download one on our resources page. So, this template is correct and will help with your safety in the work place, as it comes from the horses mouth.
It establishes the requirements specified for a high-risk construction to be conducted in a safe and healthy manner for contractors, builders, managers, workers and any other persons at the workplace. Prepare safe work method statement If you carry out high risk construction work , you must ensure a safe work method statement ( SWMS ) is prepared before work commences. If you employ a principal contractor, they must take all reasonable steps to get a copy of the SWMS before the work commences.
Plant and equipment utilised (tick or add as applicable) – Attach evidence to this SWMS Item (including all mechanical and electrical items) List inspections and maintenance requirements and attach evidence to this SWMS Note: All servicing MUST be in accordance with manufacturers recommendations. Our Free Blank SWMS Template will guide you through the key considerations when conducting a Risk Assessment so you can get a real handle on hazards associated with your onsite activities and better plan preventive controls. It is used as a safety document to make sure that construction workers avoid hazards and risks in the workplace by conducting themselves safely. To get a copy of this blank template that you can use right now, simply click on the Download SWMS link and you’ll receive this free SWMS example template instantly.
SWMS template A SWMS template is provided at Appendix A. This template outlines the information which must be included in a SWMS. The template also includes other information which should be included as best practice, for example who was consulted to prepare the SWMS. Ensure the team knows work is to stop if the SWMS is not followed. Observe the work being carried out and monitor compliance with the SWMS.

To improve the effectiveness of SWMS employees should follow the TAKE process to assess and manage risk. This checklist is used by DHA to review contractor SWMS. It is provided to help you understand how the SWMS documentation you submit to us will be reviewed.
Please ensure any SWMS documentation submitted has addressed items categorised as ‘essential’. This safe work method statement ( SWMS ) for scissor lifts is free and customisable, so you can use it to improve your scissor lift safety. Hopefully this example safe work method statement can provide you with a strong framework for your SWMS – which are some of the most important safety documents on every construction site. Use this SWMS to develop and document work procedures for tasks with a fall risk ≥ two metres.

Describe the activity (task description). Although it is just a template , the will provide a basis for future SWMS across a diverse range of construction jobs. If you would like more information on SWMS , risk assessment of OHS policy, refer to the SafeWorkPro Blog. Excavation and trenching are some of the more dangerous activities to take place on construction and industrial sites. A safe work method statement ensures that all plumbers and other parties involved with the activities have rea understood and acknowledged how these hazards will be approached and controlled.
When used properly, a safe work method statement ensures more plumbing activities are conducted in the right way, which leads to better safety outcomes. Safe Work Method Statement Procedure. Using this specific SWMS version is really easy. DUTIES: 1) A SWMS must be prepared if proposed works involve any of the HRCW activities listed below and that work poses a risk to the health and safety of any person. Adapted from our leading commercial version, this new owner builder online SWMS software is easy to use, fast and stress free.
It documents the risks and hazards associated with each step of a task and the control measures in place to minimise the risk to personnel, members of the public, environment, and property. The systems are made up of six (6) parts with fully Customisable, user-friendly MS Word templates ideal for all Plumbing work activities across Australia. This plumbing SWMS is free to use and editable, so you can improve your plumbing procedures and safety. This SWMS does not cover Elevated Work Platforms (e.g. cherry pickers, scissor lifts), Erecting scaffolding, Attaching restraints, Installation of edge protection, Work tasks in sufficient detail.
Dedicated SWMS should be developed for these tasks, and for any risks not covered in this SWMS.