Statutory declaration form wa

Statutory declaration form wa

STATUTORY DECLARATION. Christian name or names and surname of declarant in full. Statutory Declaration Form. Download a statutory declaration. Make a statutory declaration.

To be vali your statutory declaration must be signed by an approved witness. Who can witness your statutory declaration. T wo forms of primary identification. Item Formal description Informal description 1. Washington State GAL Page.

Superior Court Judges Group Photo. It needs to be signed in the presence of an authorised witness. A statutory declaration is a written statement declared to be true in the presence of an authorised witness. When you sign a statutory declaration , you are declaring that the statements in it are true.

Department of Transport. NOTE: If transferee is not a beneficiary under the terms of the Will or estate, vehicle licence duty is payable on the dutiable value of. Put the names the same as they are on the Petition. Form 8statutory declarations are managed by Home Affairs. Indicate the city and state for “place signed.

The declaration must be fully completed and signed. Any alteration, such as an insertion or erasure, must be initialled. Below are some example declarations that a lender may ask you to provide. Please ask your bank or mortgage broker for the exact declaration that they require. My birth certificate shows my name as John.

Statutory declaration form wa

The beneficiary will pay a transfer fee and a reduced rate of vehicle licence duty. The person making the statutory declaration must confirm the truth of the statement in the presence of the authorised statutory declaration witness in accordance with the prescribed requirements. Unless another written law provides otherwise, a statutory declaration for any purpose in this State must be made in accordance with this section. The statutory declaration must be in the form in Schedule 1. Of: Pitt St Sydney. State of New South Wales, do solemnly and sincerely declare as follows: That my credit card with ABC Bank Ltd has been closed.

Forms can be submitted along with the lodgement fee to: The Registrar of Ships. Instructions and form for. Join the conversation.

Statutory declaration form wa

Section 12(2) of the above Act specifies that the statutory declaration must be in the form of Schedule of that Act. This form may be downloaded from Landgate’s website. This means that you should not change or delete the wording of the statutory declaration or it may not comply with the legislative requirements for statutory declarations. We provide Free Stat Decs for Australian States, Territories and the Commonwealth and the following instructions apply to those Stat Decs which can be found here. Term used: prescribed consular official Part — Oaths and related matters 4. What key points need to be addressed?

You may be given a declaration form to fill in or you can write it yourself. It’s your responsibility to make sure your declaration is correct and meets all the necessary legal requirements. It’s a crime to make a false declaration.