What are skilled occupations in Australia? What is skilled migration in Australia? To respond to changes in the Australian labour market and regional variations across Australia , the list is reviewed regularly by the Department of Jobs and Small Business.

Every year, the Australian Department of Home Affairs updates its skilled occupation list as per the latest labor market demands of the country. The purpose to update the list is to ensure that the entry of skilled immigrants is purely based on Australia ’s current workforce needs and economy. Skilled Occupation List summarises the occupations Australia needs to fill skill shortages.
Visas are available to individuals who are qualified to work or train in an eligible skilled occupation in Australia and can meet all other requirements. The table below shows the current occupations eligible for particular visa types. Find below the summary of changes announced recently. This tabulation proves quite instrumental in the functioning of the Capital Territory nomination scheme of Australia. As part of the immigration process, applicants applying for a Skilled visa in Australia need to select and nominate an occupation from the appropriate skilled occupation list of Australia.

In order to determine which occupation falls under which visa program, we recommend you to first check the Combined Current List of eligible skilled occupations. With the MLTSSL, the legislature gives the rundown of occupations that are sought after in Australia. The Department of Jobs and Small Business ( Australia ) normally audits the skilled occupation records to guarantee they are receptive to Australia ’s work needs. These lists support a scope of business supported and state-designated visa programs.
New Changes Incorporated in the Occupation List. The department of Australian immigration has added several new occupations under the three lists. These new occupations will majorly impact the Employer Nomination program. The most comprehensive list of skilled occupations readily available with caveats and skills assessment authorities.
Check which visa can you apply for with your occupation. The skilled migration occupation lists that underpin these visa programs are updated regularly to ensure that they remain responsive to genuine skill needs across Australia. The list contains close to 2occupations.
Visit the 4visa replacement page of the Department on Home Affairs website for details of these reforms. The skilled occupation list targets people with the right occupations used to migrate to Australia under Skilled Independent (Subclass 189) Visas that can provide in-demand skills to the Australian economy over the medium to the long term. As such, the Subclass 1is an effective pathway to permanent residency in Australia.

The review will be finalised and the Australian Government will notify stakeholders of amendments to the existing skilled occupation lists. In order to qualify for australia skilled immigration, you must nominate an occupation from the SOL. If you are planning on applying for the Queensland state nomination, you need to make sure your occupation is available on the Queensland Occupation List (QSOL). These points are calculated on various factors related to age, education. Occupations ceiling ensure that the Australia skilled migration program is not dominated by a small number of occupations.
Once this limit is reache no further invitations for that particular occupation group will be issued for that program year. Each year, Australia ’s skilled occupation list is updated. This list currently has more than 2occupations listed. This brings the total number of occupations available on the SNOL to 27 and 2available on the SSL, making it the broadest state nomination list in Australia.
More importantly, changes are introduced to new requirements for employers caring for doctors trained abroad. To fulfill the skilled migration to Australia , it is advisable to choose an occupation with a high ranking in the SOL. The Australian government reviews this list regularly and determines which occupation needs to add or remove from the SOL to meet the needs of the economy of Australia annually. SearchMyANZSCO is a tool for Migration agents that simplifies their workflow and thus, helps to serve their clients better.
Note: The following shortage occupations only apply to certain federal states. Your employer must offer you employment in one of the listed federal states.