The RTA will issue an Acknowledgement of rental bond to everyone listed on the bond to confirm lodgement. A rental bond is a security deposit paid at the start of the tenancy. If you are lodging or increasing a bond online for the first time, please refer to our helpful resources below. The same people who sign the bond lodgement form need to sign the bond refund form when the tenancy ends. If these signatures don’t match, there will be delays processing the bond.
What is rental bond online? How do I Lodge a rental bond? Can I Lodge a bond with a tenant? Attach it to this form. Yes, this form is attached.
Rental Bonds Online is a service helping tenants, agents and self-managing landlords lodge and refund bond money securely and easily. NSW Fair Trading encourages everyone involved in the process of renting to use this service. Your landlord or agent is required by law to offer you the RBO service before accepting your bond. Bond money must be lodged with the Bond Administrator, as soon as possible and no later than days after receipt of the money. More rental information.
Fill, sign and download Rental Bond Lodgement Form online on Handypdf. Rental bond lodgement and paying a bond contribution All rental bonds are managed online through MyBond A bond (sometimes called a ‘security deposit’) is a payment by a tenant which acts as a security for the owner. Lessors are required to lodge a rental bond within two weeks of the receipt of the bond. Payment details will be provided by the Rental Bonds team once the bond has been processed. The timeframe of rental bond lodgement is regulated to ensure that bonds are lodged quickly (typically within days or by the end of the month latest).
If you are unable to use the online system you can download the Lodgement of security bond money form on this page. If you are a managing agent or private landlord managing residential rental properties, you may register for Rental Bonds Online. Data on rental bonds lodged is provided by postcode and may indicate recent rent values. The data includes dwelling type, weekly rent amount and number of bedrooms.
This data is provided by the agent or landlord at the beginning of a tenancy. Lodgement data is provided each month and annual data is also available for the previous calendar year. Bonds with an ACT Housing Rental Bond Help Loan must be lodged online by ACT Housing officers.
Indicate whether the tenant is an organisation. Should the tenants require correspondence to be sent to a different mailing address please specify. How to Lodge a Bond If a lessor or agency receives a bond , they are required to lodge the bond with the ACT Rental Bonds Office. Bonds must be lodged within two weeks of receipt of the bond or commencement of the tenancy.

Agencies are required to lodge the bond within four weeks of receiving the bond , or commencement of the tenancy. The Rental Bonds Portal As part of the ACT Revenue Office’s ongoing commitment to provide faster, more efficient digital services, the ACT Revenue Office has developed a new Rental Bonds Portal. The Portal offers a number of improvements and additional functionality, including the ability to lodge, manage and request refunds for bonds online. The Rental Bond Board is the independent custodian of rental bonds paid by tenants to landlords for residential tenancies.
Residential Tenancies Authority. You must lodge the extra bond with the rest of the bond by completing a bond lodgement form. If the rent decreases and the total bond is now more than week’s rent, the tenant can apply to have the extra bond refunded.

Anyone looking to lodge and pay a single rental bon start a bond refund or bond dispute, or update their details with the RTA – whether they are a tenant, property owner or manager – can do so digitally, on any device, anywhere, anytime. You can create a QGov account here. You will need a QGov account to use Web Services. All of the latest news and updates.
Contact Us Follow Us. The bond must be deposited with the RDA within days of collecting the bond. This is an online service to lodge and refund bond money for NSW managing agents, landlords and tenants.
Bonds lodged online using RBO do not need a signed paper bond lodgement form. Instea both the managing agent and the tenant log on to RBO with separate accounts to conduct rental bond transactions. Note: If you do not have Australian-issued identification and cannot verify your digital identity through QGov, you can use the RTA’s paper-based Refund of rental bond form or call our helpdesk for.
Note that there are different time periods for the bond to be lodged by real estate agents and landlords without agents. You can use this sample letter when the landlord or agent has failed to lodge your bond.