Central contact Location: Level Charles Perkins House 16. If you are a director, secretary or contact person. Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act. ORIC provides a range of information, guides and templates. See full list on oric.
At this stage ORIC’s online register shows a list of the key public documents held by ORIC for any corporation.
Some of these documents can now be accessed online. For corporations in liquidation or under special administration the liquidator or special administrator will be listed as the contact person or secretary. Please be aware that this site may contain the names of deceased people. We acknowledge that to some communities, it is distressing and offensive to show images of people who have died.
FORRequest to change corporation rule book To request a change to their rule book, corporations must lodge the request within days of the special resolution being passed. This company structure is commonly used for not-for-profit and charitable organisations in Australia. Companies limited by guarantee usually have a constitution that sets out specific rules about how the company should be run.
For more information, see Information Sheet Constitution and replaceable rules(INFO 23).
Some key features of companies limited by guarantee include: 1. Members (or shareholders) have limited liability if the company is wound up owing money. Winding up a company’ is the process of shutting it down and selling its assets. If a company limited by guarantee is a registered charity, it will affect your rights and obligations as a member. Indigenous corporations that are set up as companies limited by guarantee must: 1. Governance standard 2: Accountability to membersis of particular relevance to members of registered charities. In some circumstances, you may also be.
You are welcome to download these posters and display them in your community. Dr Donna Odegaard AM (PDF MB) 2. Evelyn Clarke (PDF MB) 3. Janine McDonald (PDF MB) 4. Jasmin Herro (PDF MB) 5. The posters profile: 1. Lenore Dembski (PDF MB) 6. Tanyah Nasir (PDF MB) 7. Please note that this information sheet is a summary giving you basic information about a particular topic. It does not cover the whole of the relevant law regarding that topic, and it is not a substitute for professional advice.
You should also note that because this information sheet avoids legal language wherever possible, it might include some generalisations about the application of the law. Some provisions of the law referred to have exceptions or important qualifications. In most cases your particular circumstances may be taken into account when determining how the law applies to you.
Your search of the public register. If you want to search more broadly, use the site search at the top right of the ORIC website. You could register your venture under another business structure. Visit the ORIC website for information on registering indigenous corporations.
A business is eligible to register in the directory if it meets the eligibility requirements for the Aboriginal Procurement Set-Aside. Indigenous Services Canada conducts audits to ensure that Indigenous businesses in the directory meet the eligibility criteria. Register in the directory.