It came as the state government defended allowing AFL executives to quarantine at a luxury resort after giving. Stage business restrictions. All business types can now reopen.

In general, the maximum number of customers your business or venue can have at one time is determined by the square metre rule (person per square metres ). This includes businesses operating under a COVID Safe Industry Plan, a COVID Safe checklist, COVID Safe Site Specific Plan or COVID Safe Event Plan. Family, friends and community. Weddings and funerals (max 1people)§.
Maximum number of persons at museums, art galleries, libraries and historic sites determined by the one person per square metre rule. Queensland border restrictions. Getting tested will help us find as many cases in the community as quickly as possible.
These restrictions mean if you live in listed Local Government Areas. Department of Local Government , Racing and Multicultural Affairs. Download the COVIDSafe app. This helps health officials support and protect you, your friends and. COVID Safe Event Plan means a COVID Safe Plan developed for events by the event organiser and approved by local public health units or the Chief Health.
For information regarding Clinical Waste Bins please contact Infrastructure Services Branch, Facilities Procurement: procurement. COVID -( Coronavirus ): Information for stakeholders. Posters and resources.
Australian Government. No-one who is unwell or has flu-like symptoms should attend. Brothels will reopen again when it is decided that it is safe. It involves a three phased approach to easing restrictions , but brothels are not yet included in the Roadmap.
Find assistance and support for coronavirus affected businesses and industries. Brisbane City, Cherbourg, Gold Coast, Goondiwindi, Ipswich, Logan City, Scenic. Council’s priority is protecting the health and well-being of the community and staff as much as possible. This will guide council’s response to the virus during the weeks and months ahead.

Currently this includes all of Victoria and Greater Sydney. Restrictions are ending a week early. We worked tirelessly for months to get ready.
Cooper has also announced $million to expand internet access in rural counties. Find information and services to help you and help others. Stay home – save lives. As you reopen, you will need to follow all federal, state, and local laws and regulations.
Our northern beaches and parks around Cairns were a little bit quieter than what we expecte however about staff were tasked each day to undertake compliance checks throughout the district. As updates are available, they will be listed here. Bookmark this page and check back regularly. Due to social-distancing regulations , there is no guarantee that you will be camping where you booked previously. The City is continually assessing our 8plus services to ensure we can safely resume operations and re-open facilities as restrictions continue to ease.
Individuals will be required to wear a mask or other facial covering when in public and in close contact with other people, as described in the order. New York Forward Our plan focuses on getting people back to work and easing social isolation without triggering renewed spread of the virus or overwhelming the hospital system.