Users of the Guide who wish to see when any individual page of the Guide was last update can check the date printed at the foot of that page. Each page in the Guide is dated in this way. Returning users: to continue an application. Application Management. First-time users: Create an account to start a new application.

The scholarship application opens December for the following academic year. The priority application deadline is October for the Spring semester. The PCT patent application is a single application filed at one of the international receiving offices (of which the USPTO is one) that grants the applicant the right to file future national patent applications in any of the contracting states. If a PCT filing date is erroneously accorde the Receiving Office may, within four months from the filing date, declare that the application should be considered withdrawn.
The International Preliminary Examination Report on Patentability (Chapter II of the PCT ) CHAPTER 11: MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE INTERNATIONAL PHASE. How to file a PCT application? Can PCT claim priority to another PCT? What does a WO patent mean?

The applicant can be an individual, corporate entity or other concern. Where there are two or more applicants, at least one of them must be a national or a resident of a Contracting State. The Patent Cooperation Treaty ( PCT ) assists applicants in seeking patent protection internationally for their inventions, helps patent offices with their patent granting decisions, and facilitates public access to a wealth of technical information relating to those inventions. Number of Copies (a) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (b), the international application and each of the documents referred to in the check list (Rule (a)(ii)) shall be filed in one copy.
To file a PCT application, at least one of the applicants must be a national or resident of a PCT member country. The nationality of the applicant will then determine the eligibility of particular Receiving Offices and International Search Authorities. PCT Contracting State, filed in the prescribed language, and designates at least one Contracting State. About a week later I noticed that the new applicant details had appeared on the Patentscope database.

So, all in all a fairly straightforward procedure. TL;DR – do this centrally at WIPO under Rule 92. It is a very good idea for any changes to the applicants or inventors of an International patent application to be made centrally at WIPO under Rule 92.
Permits already issued remain valid as long as you are in compliance with the terms of the permit and all regulations and policies, including state and local stay-at-home orders. See PCT Article (1) and (3), PCT Rules 19. There must be at least one applicant who is a resident or national of a country that is a member of the PCT. The residences and nationalities of the applicants also determine where the PCT application can be filed. If none of the applicants is a resident or national of a member state, then a PCT application cannot be filed.
Under the PCT , an applicant can file a single international patent application with a qualified Receiving Office (such as the USPTO) and designate multiple member PCT countries for coverage. A PCT application delays the deadline for individual national filings. It buys you time and keeps your foreign filing options open. The PCT process, or patent cooperation treaty process, is the procedure used to apply for patent protection for your invention in multiple countries.
You can either apply directly in each country where you want protection or file a PCT application, which covers multiple countries. To file an international patent application, speak with an experienced patent attorney or your regional patent office. The PCT applicant has the opportunity to amend the claims in the patent application in response to the search report. Optionally, the PCT applicant can request a Chapter II Examination international preliminary examination resulting in an international preliminary report on patentability.

In order to file a PCT application, either an inventor or assignee of the application must be a national or resident of a PCT member country. This allows you to secure a filing date — while deferring the decision about where you want to pursue patent protection. All PCT applications are automatically subject to examination.
The examination may be without interaction between the applicant and the Examiner (under Chapter I) or with interaction between the applicant and the Examiner (under Chapter II, that is, if a Demand is filed).