Pay toll

Drivers on the Illinois Tollway system are required to pay unpaid tolls online. Click below to learn how to pay your unpaid tolls online. If you have received an invoice, you may also pay the invoice directly with the link. Check out this video tutorial.

If you’ve received an invoice, click below to enter the payment portal to quickly and easily pay the unpaid tolls online using the assigned invoice number.

There are no invoices, prepayments, statements or transponders – but you do pay the highest toll rates. You can pay the toll (s) before receiving a Toll Enforcement Invoice or a Uniform Traffic Citation, by completing the fields below and selecting Look Up. Enter the plate number and zip code of the registered vehicle. How do you pay online for a toll? Where to pay tolls online?

How can I pay the unpaid toll? How to get an Illinois I Pass?

The best way to pay tolls is with an EZ TAG. It’s cheaper, faster, and you can drive on any toll road in Texas! If you have an account in good standing: You can add the license plate on the toll enforcement invoice to your account. Upon adding the license plate, the fees will be waived and you will receive a reduction in the amount due. Add More Plaza Toll Locations Note: In the event of unknown plazas or direction, toll calculations will be based on the maximum charge (per toll ) on our system for your vehicle class.

You also may use the Trip Calculator to map and pay your exact route. On the Golden Gate Bridge, vehicles without FasTrak or a prepaid toll account will be sent a toll invoice. Everything you need to know about how to pay your toll bills.

Learn more about the toll rates of our toll lanes. Cash toll payments are suspended until further notice. The Harris County Toll Road Authority (HCTRA) operates toll roads within the Greater Houston Metropolitan region through the use of EZ TAG.

The Mis a motorway around Dublin without a plaza. Drivers without an electronic toll tag or video account must pay for their journey before 8pm the following day to avoid late payment penalties. Click on the button above if you took an unpaid trip on a Virginia toll facility and would like to pay the toll before receiving a notice or invoice. Payment Options How auto pay and other payment methods work.

Account Maintenance Instructions to manage your account for new or existing users.

Penalty Forgiveness Ask for a one-time waiver of late fees and civil penalties when you pay your original tolls. The bill for your tolls will be mailed to the registered vehicle owner. Tolls are automatically deducted from your prepaid account.

To pay with cash, drivers wait in line for a toll booth collector to take their payment. Pay Toll Now Account. Make sure not to send cash. Your toll amount should be ready for payment within hours of your trip.

If you plan to regularly drive on the Tollway, buying an I-PASS is the most convenient and cheapest option. Missing a toll happens. And when it does, it’s best to deal with your payment sooner rather than later. That’s why we offer our customers a 10-day window to pay for a missed toll before we send an invoice. Simply use the forms below to take care of any invoices or recent missed tolls.

What happens if you don’t pay a toll ? It’s best to act quickly before time and money add up. Second invoice – $25. In general, if you fail to pay your toll bill within days, you should receive a second toll bill with a $reprocessing fee.

If you fail to pay your toll within days a notice of civil penalty will be assessed in the amount of $for each unpaid toll transaction, plus all accumulated tolls and fees. No tolls are collected entering New Jersey. The Bayonne Bridge, Goethals Bridge and Outerbridge Crossing are all cashless tolling facilities and no longer accept cash toll payments.