Passport to magonia summary

Passport to Magonia: On UFOs, Folklore, and Parallel Worlds. Over two decades ago, eminent scientist Vallee wrote a provocative book about alleged UFO landings, folklore, and certain unexplained phenomena. Jacques Vallee‧RELEASE DATE: Oct. Taking a flying leap off the deep en Mr. Vallee (who did such a considered analysis of centuries of sauceritis in his Anatomy of a Phenomenon) plunges into sheer speculative fantasy, substantiated by unsubstantiated reports of actual landings.

The message of the book, from the outset, really caught me by surprise. As an alternative to the extraterrestrial visitation hypothesis, Vallée has suggested a multidimensional visitation hypothesis. This hypothesis represents an extension of the ETH where the alleged extraterrestrials could be potentially from anywhere. It was published by Daily Grail Publishing and has a total of 3pages in the book. Angels, demons, fairies, creatures from heaven, hell, or Magonia: they inspire our strangest dreams, shape our destinies, steal our desires.

Brief summary of the event and follow-up: A report by the S. What a fantastic, beautifully written book. The story begins with Aza Ray, a girl who, much like Hazel from THE FAULT IN OUR STARS, struggles to breathe. MAGONIA is unlike anything else. Remote Viewing in the Psychic Underground.

Passport to magonia summary

The Alien Contact Trilogy and the Mature Multiverse Gnosis. Sub Rosa: The Three Secrets. Summary :)Two policemen, Joseph Lukasek and Clifford Schau, and a third man named Daniel De Giovanni, while looking for the cause of a headlight failure, observed a fluorescent object to 1m away from them, coming down.

The car head-lights functioned properly again and they drove toward the object but had to stop at a cemetery wall. JEROME BEAU: Jérôme Beau indicates that in Carazinho, Brazil, small beings dressed in black uniforms and small boots appeared. The witnesses indicated that one of them had in the hand a surprisingly luminous object, like a magic wand. Welcome to my book blog! The incident happened near the Loire River.

The river is over one thousand kilometers long and is the longest river in France. Summary: A man with a long dark beard came forth with a lantern in his han and on being informed who we were proceeded to tell us that he and the others–a young man and a woman–were travelling through the country in an airship. Summary : It was an unusual day for the Food and Drug Laboratory of the U. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, when the Air Force requested analysis of a piece of wheat cake that had been cooked. His hypothesis is that there is a commonality to the experiences reported in alien abduction scenarios, and the reports of interactions with faeries in folklore.

He suggests the aliens and the faeries are essentially the same phenomenon, tuned through the cultural. Broadly speaking, Vallee vacillates from book to book between two seemingly inconsistent positions. Dr Vallee is a serious scientist, meticulous in his epistemology, and offers hypotheses guaranteed to offend all partisans of various aspects of this huge issue.

Frequently warm and generous, the creatures in these stories are seen as wonderful and magical beings continually involved with perplexing humans with the bizarre and nonsensical. At Seattle, crewmen signed a summary of the sighting. This reference: UFO Investigator, a NICAP publication, Vol.

It was investigated by Harvard psychiatrist John Mack, who took it very seriously. For a list of “Aerial sightings” it is unusual for it was reported as located in water. Just before midnight four campers at Mount Mitchell, North Carolina saw an object with three flashing red lights land on the ground 2meters away. One of the men held up a jug apparently made of the same material as the saucer. This banner text can have markup.

Passport to magonia summary

Simonton took the jug, went inside the house, and filled it. In summary , wearing of helmets on earth is not usually required and they may be worn more from personal preference than from necessity. The native atmosphere certainly contains oxygen but the available information is too sketchy to establish its partial pressure relative to that on earth. Neither can the total pressure be deduced. Snagged this from Amazon.

My brother enrolled me in the Defender Shave Club. In your first shipment. You got a tradional handle and this handle designed by someone on an LSD trip. You tried both and sent the handle you liked least back with your second.

This is a reasonable summary of Plutarch’s Life of Numa 13. The Greek calls it a πέλτη, which is a very small and light shiel one typically made of leather and shaped not like an oval but a crescent.

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