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You have stumbled upon my humble UFO subreddit. The message of the book, from the outset, really caught me by surprise. The whole book is awesome, and I highly recommend skipping to the Appendix on page 1first and checking out the vast collection sightings with the corresponding dates and locations.

I think this subreddit is a better place for my type of story. LONG) Back a few years ago, me and my step mother would go out to this trail. Unlike other subs on this topic, this page is devoted to documenting and discussing paranormal tales from the past and present – especially those that may have a link with ultraterrestrials such as what we call aliens or fae.

Hello wandering human. Download books for free. Over two decades ago, eminent scientist Vallee wrote a provocative book about alleged UFO landings , folklore, and certain unexplained phenomena.

Passport to magonia reddit

PASSPORT TO MAGONIA : From Folklore to Flying Saucers by Jacques Vallee ‧ RELEASE DATE: Oct. Taking a flying leap off the deep en Mr. Vallee (who did such a considered analysis of centuries of sauceritis in his Anatomy of a Phenomenon) plunges into sheer speculative fantasy, substantiated by unsubstantiated reports of actual landings. THE MAGONIA DATABASE.

Over 400k in size the database is presented here as a single file, or in parts for easy reading. Are we completely sure the phenomena is ET? Do we want to disclose this to the world if we aren’t sure? What followed was a voracious, and unquenchable, need to know everything about everything.

Off-Topic Discussion. Jacques Vallée is a French-born venture capitalist, computer scientist, author, ufologist and former astronomer. Passport to Magonia : From Folklore to Flying Saucers.

For over years, he has been a predominant authority on extraterrestrial life. SOURCE: Vallee, Jacques. It was published by Daily Grail Publishing and has a total of 3pages in the book. Hopefully this book fills that role. I say this not to compare Tim or myself to Jacques Vallee—neither of us will ever reach that level—but rather to say that I strongly believe this book will hold staunch flesh-and-blood Bigfooters accountable to the robust.

Das PDF-Dokument lässt sich auf verschiedenen Internetseiten herunterladen und ist über Suchmaschinen über den Buchtitel leicht zu finden. Case Files of Project Blue Book 06. More information about James M. UFO Debunking and Ridicule 09.

Previous ATS thread about color change cases 10. As an alternative to the extraterrestrial visitation hypothesis, Vallée has suggested a multidimensional visitation hypothesis. This hypothesis represents an extension of the ETH where the alleged.

CHAPTER ONE VISIONS OF A PARALLEL WORLD How will you go back? Nay, that I do not know. Get this from a library! His hypothesis is that….

Such contact includes abduction, ordeal (including surgical operations), and sexual intercourse with the aliens. So were his seven coworkers, in a unique case of collective physiological reaction. An essential book for any fortean’s bookshelf! Overige kenmerken Extra jadques lettertype Nee.

Passport to magonia reddit

Our thanks to all the Avalon Forum members — you know who you are — who have supported this venture in many ways. The Control System as elucidated by Jacques Vallee: I believe that when we speak of UFO sightings as instances of space. It was common knowledge that these people came from a country known as Magonia.

I put its thesis like this: Instead of chugging through interstellar space to Earth, the UFO-nauts have always been here. They” appear in many different shapes, some humanoi some not, as it suits their fancy. Sometimes They just like to mess with us for reasons we do not understand.