A gas meter is a tool that constantly counts the gas you have used in your home. It is much like the mileage display in your car that shows you the distance you have used. On a gas meter , the actual number you read on the display is not very important. American Gas Association Report No. The volume of gas flow provided by a gas meter is just that, a reading of volume.
Gas volume does not take into account the quality of the gas or the amount of heat available when burned.
Dial meters – which look like small traditional clocks – are slightly more complex. When reading your dial meter , always remember that dials next to each other go round in opposite directions. The gas then enters the meter and is pumped out through a mechanism of lung like diaphragm chambers. The standard electric power meter is a clock- like device driven by the electricity moving through it.
As the home draws current from the power lines, a set of small gears inside the meter move. The number of revolutions is recorded by the dials that you can see on the face of the meter. What do smart meters look like? A smart meter looks a lot like the standard gas and electricity meter that you would have already.
How does a gas meter work? (more…)