Spiritual Renewal – SelfGrowth. How does spiritual renewal come? Paul’s idea of being a living sacrifice (Rom. 12) is another way of describing this idea of calling and practice.
Were all for revival out there, but when it gets too close to home, we begin to get a bit nervous. Revival also implies change.
That threatens us because, even if were not doing real well spiritually, we tend to get comfortable with the predictable. See full list on bible. But I suggest that we all are in constant need of continuing spiritual renewal.
Like silver exposed to the elements, we grow tarnished and dull spiritually. Thus we constantly need renewal or revival. But we need it not only individually, but corporately, as Gods people.
It always in Gods people confessing and forsaking sin, of an increase of the conversion of sinners, and of great joy in the Lord.
It is from first to last a work of God. But at the same time, there are conditions we can meet as His people so that if He should choose to move in a mighty way, His power would not be hindered. We can see three important factors of spiritual renewal in the revival that happened under the good king Hezekiah (Chron. 29): Dont misunderstand: Im not saying that we should ignore pressing problems. (more…)