However, the rules, requirements, and fees of enrolling kids at school vary depending on which state you are in. In the Australian Capital Territory , they prioritise the children living within the Priority Enrolment Area (PEA ). This means that only after accepting children from PEA will they start offering enrollment students outside the area. As an Australian permanent resident , your right to re-enter Australia after travelling overseas will depend on whether the travel facility on your permanent visa is valid.
You do not have automatic right of entry to Australia. To do this, you must apply for a visa through the SkillSelect program, which is managed by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection.
What is permanent residency in Australia? Can I apply for a post study visa in Australia? Can I travel to Australia after I have been remarried? Travel Facility on a Permanent Visa. Whilst your permanent visa will allow you to remain in Australia indefinitely, the travel facility is only.
Year Resident Return Visa (RRV) 12-Month Resident Return Visa (RRV) RRVs for Members of the Family. Processing time will take about – months. In total, after you initially apply for a partner visa, it will take 3. (more…)