Those who argue that the United States won the war point to the fact that the U. EDIT: Gee Jans, I have no idea why the VC. As the war stretched on, some soldiers came to. Until Ronald Reagan became.
So if the US had won , the Cold War would probably have ended a little sooner and the dawn of that unilateral superpower controlling things would have come quicker. The war ended when U.
More than 50US soldiers either lost their lives or went missing. Vietnam’s major battles. US support to the war became a burden on the country’s economy and military resources.
This comes to less than 300losses. In terms of body count, the U. Not that several million children being systematically lied to about evolution, slavery, psychology and additional history will ever be told as much while attending the indoctrination centers we call public schools, voluntarily put on buses by their own parents. Neoliberalism prevails.
Professor of History. Sometimes the answer to the question who won or lost reminds me of those who, having lost a football game, retort, We.
Both wars occurred in the 60s. (more…)