Nsw aboriginal health statistics

Torres Strait Islander only, and 2. See full list on aboriginalaffairs. Agreements include native title consent determinations, Indigenous land use agreements, regional agreements and memoranda of understanding. The website presents background information on each agreement, links to related agreements, organisations, signatories, events and maps. Data and reports for most FACS districts can be analysed by Indigenous status.

Quickstatson the ABS website is a fast, simple way to find basic information about an area. Community profiles can also be downloaded as Excel spreadsheets from a dedicated page of the ABS site. The Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) provides an interactive web application that allows users to find data about crime, criminal courts and custody.

Justice NSW’s Juvenile Justice websitepublishes its Strategic Information System. New indicators are added regularly. Measures cover health status and outcomes, determinants of health, and health system performance. The information is presented in Excel workbooks – one for each of the HPF measures, and one for demographic information.

Nsw aboriginal health statistics

Data for each measure is analysed by age, sex, jurisdiction, remoteness and over time. Most of the information relates only to NSW. The National Assessment Program (NAP) website publishes information on literacy and numeracy as measured by yearly NAPLAN tests, on the three-yearly sample assessmentsin science literacy, civics and citizenship, and information and communication technology (ICT) literacy, and on participation in international sample assessments.

NAPLAN are available for each year of testing. The also show participation rates and categories for each year level and each domain, and cohort gain across school year l. It provides information on health status, inequities and determinants of health. There is a brochure available to assist. Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Aboriginal health is a key priority area for COORDINARE. Psychological distress based on K(Kessler) and reflects them scoring in the high or very high range. Living Well: Putting people at the centre of mental health reform in NSW. The artwork on the cover is called ‘Baalee’. It is inspired by the original artwork of.

The health of the population is measured in many ways. What are the statistics on health issues over a period of time? This is a summary from publication No Subject or Description which contains key figures, key points and notes from the publication. NSW population and 33. Where can I get more information?

Nsw aboriginal health statistics

Health Workforce Summaries. ABORIGINAL PEOPLE IN NSW. These positions were. New South Wales population and. Rate of suicide per 10000. View all contact details. Foreword from the Secretary.

This “Report Card” show some of the key indicators and areas. Find a list of the health and community advisors who contributed to this website by clicking here. Find out about the artists whose work is featured on this website by clicking here.

Nsw aboriginal health statistics

Caring fo r our women.

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