National grid move gas meter

Alternatively, you can all the Meter Point Administration Service to get details of your Meter Point Reference Number (MPRN). Your gas supplier is responsible for providing a meter and organising for your meter to be read. We operate in the regulated gas metering market and support two distinct portfolios – residential and industrial and commercial. Gas is unable to flow. Assets on site move into a mothballing preservation state.

National Grid maintains site.

Site returned to original state. All assets disconnected and removed including the removal of pipeline. Before requesting a new meter installation, please be sure the following items have been completed: n Interior gas piping is complete and connected to the meter bracket.

For electric you should call after your inspection has been submitted and for gas you should call after all gas work is complete at least one gas appliance is installed and you have the electric service active. Learn more Get help making payments. What is a national grid? A dial meter may seem tricky at first, but it won’t take long to get the hang of it.

The reading for the above meter is 3-5-9-7. Review the rules below and hover over the dials in the image to follow how we got this reading: Record your numbers from left to right.

If the hand is pointed between two numbers, always record the. We ask for 5-days notice so we can schedule a crew member to visit your home and physically turn your service on or off. You can’t move the meter yourself – it’s illegal. Check if your energy supplier can move your meter.

Contact your supplier and tell them you want to have your meter moved. Millions of customers in the regions we distribute gas within already rely on us for the safe and secure distribution of gas through our network. When you need a gas alterations service to carry out work for anything from gas meter alterations to the relocation of gas pipes, through to work to move a gas meter outside, we’re here to help. Trench at the front of the house (metres) already dug (electric meter move ). Morrisons came out and dug a hole on the footpath Connected new plastic pipe. Threaded up the larger exsisting gas pipe for metres and then an extra metres in the trench.

General advice regarding your gas meter and moving property. When you move out of a property, note the meter reading and inform your supplier of the reading and that you moved out on a specific date. When you move into a new property, write down the meter reading and contact whoever you wish to supply your gas.

Plumbing and Central Heating. Replies: Views: 208. Timely meter reading ensures an accurate bill. Please make sure the path to the meter is unobstructed.

They re a lot cheaper than N. I would think is a NGrid job only.

Then the supervisor calls me and tells me my pipes are illegal and not inspected so I need to get a plumber to run new lines into the house and I need to pay for it before they will install a meter. If you prefer, provide the meter number. The price difference was $000. That is not necessarily correct. As an example BG use gas metering companies nationally and when they fit a meter it is one of theirs.

Moving your electricity meter more than metres. We can then move the electricity meter itself. This also applies if you want to relocate the meter to a different wall, the other side of the same wall or a different room. Never, under any circumstances, take a.