What causes mind going blank? Does your mind go blank? Why does my mind go blank while talking?
One of the Depersonalization symptoms that’s most commonly experienced is the ‘Blank Mind ’. This mental state shares similarities with mind wandering. If you think you have a blank min then I want you to closely examine your experience. Most people who experience a blank mind will actually think to themselves something along the lines of “I have no thoughts!
If you examine this carefully you’ll see that these are actually thoughts. You are just not paying close attention to what is going on. Even saying something like “I have a blank mind” means that your mind is not really blank because you just constructed a thought in your mind. I’m not saying what you are experiencing is not unusual. Yes, depersonalization or dissociation does seem to affect the way one thinks.
There definitely can be an absence of chatter or even a lack of attention (more about this below), but there are definitely thoughts in your mental space when you examine closely. Your mind is not totally empty or blank. See full list on acoachcalledlife.
Here’s a simple exercise you can perform to figure out if your mind is blank or not. I always suggest picking a favorite movie of yours. Now think about this movie. Imagine the scenes from it.
Now, can you hear them speak in your mind? Just try to let thoughts come up about this movie. You may have watched it when you were young. There may be memories around this particular film.
Let them all come up. Go ahea take some time now to do this. After a while, you’ll see that images and words seem to come up when you do so. Also, go one step further and try to come up with deliberate thoughts about this movie.
You can think something like: 1. That is such a good movie! I had so much fun watching it” 3. I cried a lot during the climax” 4. It scared the hell out of me! These are just some example statements to help you come up with your own. Really spend some time thinking about th.
I’d wager that in most cases it is just lack of attention. Every little thought would have demanded our attention. Maybe after depersonalization, you just have stopped paying attention to them. The thoughts are still there, but your attention is not. Your attention may be wholly placed on the depersonalization experience (because of how unique, weir or unpleasant it maybe).
Most often, you actually don’t need attention to perform a lot of tasks. These tasks are something you have performed many times before, so the brain conserves energy by switching off its attention circui. Mental chatter is the term used to describe the constant barrage of thoughts we experience as humans. For the most part, this is benign but it can turn distressing for some people because their thoughts can be very negative in nature. Sometimes these thoughts can be scary and intrusive as well, but with some education, one can learn how to properly handle scary and intrusive thoughts.
Meditation is aimed at reducing this mental chatter. Expert meditators claim that their mind is quiet with very few thoughts if any. A lot of people aim to reach this stage of clarity. Perhaps this is what the DP sufferer experiences minus the years worth of training that the meditator engages in? Many people aspire to experience reali.
If you are really bothered by this experience, I suggest you follow some of these steps to deliberately overcome this “blank mind”. Whenever you feel like you are experiencing a blank min you can try out the following: 1. Brain teasers and puzzlesthat require thinking, for example answering riddles, and quizzes (even something as silly as a pop culture quiz). Playing mental gameswith your friends. Writing an essay about something, like your favorite movie or a book. Reading something that is intellectually challenging like a book about world economy, science, or history.
In all these cases, you’ll notice that you have not lost your ability to think and create thoughts. When you fully recover from depersonalization, you’ll have your attention and your ability to have spontaneous thoughts come back. It will be a slow process, but it will happen.
Don’t be alarmed right now about the absence of mental chatter or lack of attention. Try to allow this experienc. She went to introduce her husband to the producers, but her mind went blank when she tried to remember their names.
One suddenly forgets or is unable to think of something. For me, my mind tends to be blank all the time regardless. I have been diagnosed with depression, social anxiety (SA), and dissociation from traumatic events.

I cant do my work properly at college, and i would keep waiting for another hour to do it, and then again after another hour. I feel as if, my mind is everywhere, but at the same time, it is empty. And with that, my head always hurts, its as if, my brain has become tight, and it sometimes makes me dizzy.
Browse the user profile and get inspired. My mind is a total blank when I read that sentence because I haven’t read the chapters and business case studies that explain Donaldson’s algorithm. Now water can flow or it can crash.
B the Schizophrenic 3views. With your friends or family, you have the BEST stories, but if you just met a group of people, all of a sudden your mind goes blank and you have nothing to say. About “My Mind Went Blank” contributor The title of this song is in reference to the effects that one experiences when on the specific drug cocktails that inspired and surrounds the Chopped.
For example, you may be explaining something to a friend and mid-sentence or mid-paragraph, you totally forget what you were going to say.