Malaise meaning

Definition of malaise. An infected person will feel a general malaise. Malaise definition , a condition of general bodily weakness or discomfort, often marking the onset of a disease.

A vague feeling of bodily discomfort, as at the beginning of an illness. A general sense of depression or unease: The markets remain mired in a deep malaise (New York Times).

A person may feel this way for various reasons. Some causes are transient and relatively. The word has existed in the French language since at least the 12th century. The term is also often used figuratively in other contexts.

When experiencing malaise, you will often also feel exhausted or lethargic in addition to a generalized feeling of being unwell. Like malaise, fatigue has a. Almost any medical or emotional condition can bring on feelings of malaise.

There may be general discomfort but not actual pain. Malaise is best described as a feeling of being unwell. It is often accompanied by fatigue and many people may feel a need to sleep and recuperate. How to use malaise in a sentence. It may start slowly or quickly, depending on the type of disease.

Fatigue (feeling tired) occurs with malaise in many diseases. The patient began to experience malaise and pain in the upper abdomen. Seek immediate medical care (call 911) if you experience malaise along with other symptoms, such as abdominal pain or cramping, high fever (higher than 1degrees Fahrenheit) and chills , chest pain or pressure.

Malaise by itself is not a condition but is rather a symptom of an underlying medical condition. Know the causes, treatment and diagnosis of malaise. Another word for malaise. Find more ways to say malaise , along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.

The definition of malaise is a general feeling of being tired or under the weather. A general feeling of discomfort, illness, or unease whose exact cause is difficult to identify. More example sentences.

It is this same distortion of values which is at the root of the malaise in general practice.

The disease has an insidious onset and presents with fever, malaise and weakness. The latest crime figures are merely symptomatic of a wider malaise in society. Malaise can also cause a sense of discomfort in the body and a feeling that all is not well with the body and there is some kind of illness that is bothering the individual. A feeling of general bodily discomfort, fatigue or unpleasantness, often at the onset of illness.

Ill will or hurtful feelings for others or someone. An ambiguous feeling of mental or moral depression. As a verb fatigue is to tire or make weary by physical or mental exertion. It should not be confused with fatigue, which is extreme tiredness and a lack of energy or motivation. According to the research, the existence of this term dates back to 12th century.

The blan dull and state of mind and body often compared in other contexts. Son arrivée a créé un malaise parmi les invités. Her arrival caused embarrassment among the guests. Malaise A sense of drea discomfort or unease about the future. Whether it be self-illness, or some other personal, possibly catastrophic event.

Advanced Word Finder. Malice definition, desire to inflict injury, harm, or suffering on another, either because of a hostile impulse or out of deep-seated meanness: the malice and spite of a lifelong enemy.