Living in belgium reddit

What is living in Belgium? How many people live in Belgium? Is Belgium an expat destination? Does Belgium have immigration laws? Great foo you get a lot of options for both quality and diversity.

Gent, Antwerp, Leuven, the Belgian coast is all worth a visit. Paris, Amsterdam, Cologne and London are no more than couple hours away. And I also love being so close to other countries, making international travel and short getaways so easy.

Feeling like an insider instead of an outsider is the best thing that can happen to an expat living abroad. And that is how I feel living in Brussels. Hey, there French living in Paris for about month.

On French administration, it can be a hustle, but if done correctly, it has proven to be efficient, slow but efficient.

I studied in Ghent for a while, which is a so-called large city in Belgium , but life here is such a chaos every single day. Belgium consistently scores well in all the main indicators of good living and is good location for expats to live. Belgium has a high life standard and ranks among the top in several indicators of the OECD’s Better Life Index, with the average household wealth above the OECD average. Living in Belgium is a popular choice for many expats.

It is a relatively small but densely populated country with an estimated population of just over million people. Those of us, who have been expats here for a while, forget just how strange it can seem to newcomers. Today, our guest contributor, Laura, shares her observations, after a year of living in Brussels. After a year of being Brussels-base I thought it was time to reflect (light-heartedly) on life in this Low Country… 1. When she’s not at the soccer field cheering on her boys or taking a Pure Barre class, you’ll find Jen curled up with a good book or planning her family’s next travel adventure. Belgium is a small, federal parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarch as the official head of state.

Depending on which region you end up moving to, you will hear a variation of French, Dutch, or German being spoken by the locals. It used to be that an apartment could be found for less than a thousand euros, but this is not the case anymore unless you know someone. Contains basic information about living in Belgium.

Information is provided in French and Dutch. A site dedicated to providing immigration information for a large number of countries, including Belgium.

People tend to work less hours here (Brits are workaholics), and value home time as much as work time. The pay and therefore the standard of living tends to be better. People in the Netherlands overall tend to be happier. Select city in BelgiuCost of living in Belgium is 6. United States (aggregate data for all cities, rent is not taken into account). Rent in Belgium is, on average, 35.

The country is famous all over the world for its high standard of living , so no wonder there are a lot of pros to moving there! But where there are pros, there must be cons. Switzerland has some downsides, too, and you should be aware of those as you consider a move to the country.

And coincidentally, I stumbled upon this question because I was googling to find other European born Asians’ experiences. Just moved to Australia from the US couple of months ago. Cons of living in Ireland. Unfortunately, no place is perfect, and that includes Ireland.

Just like in any other country, there are some cons to living in Irelan such as: The weather. Ireland is well known for being dreary and rainy almost year-round. Even during summer, it’s commonly overcast and rain can come at literally any time.

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