Licensing Agreement Checklist – contactmylawyer. What is a licensing arrangement? The checklist format allows the licensing practitioner to check off each item once it has been addressed to the parties’ satisfaction. While expansive, it does not necessarily fit all contexts and is therefore intended to serve as a basis from which institutions and individuals can develop their own checklists.

All agreements should include the full legal names and physical address of each party. Address ownership issues related to derivatives or inventions created by. A patent license agreement checklist can be a very helpful tool when obtaining license agreements for a patent. A detailed checklist can help in preparing and writing the agreement.
Although it sounds like an easy step that you could skip, it is crucial in ensuring all aspects of the agreement are covered. Many negotiators and attorneys are well versed when dealing with licensing agreements, particularly with writing more than one agreement at any given moment. Without their professional competence and conditioning to working on many projects at a time, attorneys would have trouble remaining productive. However, a detailed checklist can be a lifesaver for a working licensing officer to ensure that no critical details are left out of such an important document.
See full list on upcounsel. License agreement is a law in each state that is governed by a contract. It can also be governed by the federal government in cases that include federal matters, such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights.
An Executory contract includes an exchange of money or other valuation in order to satisfy all parties. The licensor is the one who owns the intellectual property. A licensee uses the intellectual property, much like a renter who uses the property within certain parameters in a contract. Due diligence refers how you research and investigate a licensee.
You will need to research how they worked with other licensors and whether or not they have been involved in license agreement litigation in the past. If so, determine the cause of the litigation and make a final determination based on those. One thing to remember is that a licensee can also be a competitor,.
If it is your job to create a license agreement, you can download a checklist of everything that should be included. While it may be obvious what to include, the information in the checklist can save you copious amounts of time when drafting the document. You can utilize “whereas clauses” as a guide for describing the background of a license. Not everyone will need to use these clauses. They may want to include the background information in a separate set of clauses that use language that are specific to the terms of the agreement.

Using background information in a contract is encouraged. In a short timespan after a deal has taken place, the negotiators will often forget certain aspects of the contract. It is important to include a short section of statements that pertain to t. In many cases, those who create and own intellectual property, including patents and trademarks, do not want to commercialize on these properties. Another factor is the time needed to create a business with the licensed property. Finally, the value of appreciation and depreciation in the property over a certain time period should also be included.
With regard to royalties, they can be paid either over time or in one lump sum. Many royalties are based on a formula, in which case the licensor will need to include accounting and reporting requirements within the agreement. With this also comes the obligation of maintaining proper records. The extent to which the licensor will warrant to what degree that the lic.
The grand clause is the backbone of a patent license. There are some considerations when it comes to patent licensing. It provides which rights the licensor is granting to the licensee within the agreement. It also provides with rights are not granted in the agreement.
A broad exclusive license gives the licensee to make, use, sell and import the licensed product. It also allows the utilization of the licensed process within all territories in which it can be used. A sub licensee has rights that must rely on all rights granted to the existing license agreement. A patent sublicense agreement will need to comply with all terms of the existing agreement and include all relevant information.
To make the process easier, make sure the underlying agreement includes details about how everyone involved will deal with sublicensing. In general, the United States requires that joint patent owners have equal and undivided interest in the rights of a patent. A hybrid license includes patent rights.
However, it also includes additional rights that a licensee would like to have to ensure that it can completely use the patent rights. In some instances, one or more parties in the agreement will bring pre-existing intellectual property to the table. In general, intellectual property remains to the person or party that brings it into the partnership. If you need assistance with developing license agreements for a patent, post your legal need in UpCounsel’s marketplace. Our qualified team of attorneys will be happy to assist you.
A checklist for software license agreements can help simplify the process of drafting and negotiating a software license agreement. Drafting such an agreement involves planning for and potentially addressing a wide range of technical, economic and legal issues. Questions or comments? Leave a reviewand more will follow!
It only takes a few seconds. There is no one form of software license agreement. Software license agreements vary as much as the software they relate to, and software and software license models are constantly changing and evolving. Despite this fluidity, a software license agreement checklist can be a useful tool for both licensors and licensees and their internal stakeholders.

While no checklist can be an exhaustive list of the issues that a software license agreement will address, it can serve as a starting point for issue-spotting software license agreements and software contracts review generally. Ultimately, the software license agreement may. Who is the “licensee”? Should the licensee’s rights extend to affiliates, subsidiaries or other third parties?
Often a definition of “control” is negotiated and used with respect to other entities. Consider testing and development server environments and usage, as well as back-ups for disaster recovery or emergency purposes. Do these count towards licensee’s use?

This may be defined and tied into. Does it include everything licensee is ordering or that licensor is delivering? How is “software” defined? Are there are any items excluded from the definition of software that is owned by the licensor but provided separately?
Is licensee expecting delivery of software in any format other than object code? Will any source code be provided for any part of the software? Modifications are typically limited to specific rights expressly set forth in the documentation (if any). Some restrictions may be. This is common with licensors that permit licensees to have a free trial or demo of the software prior to purchasing a license.
A licensee typically is also purchasing maintenance and support, but these do not offer the same remedies as breaching a warranty of performance or conformance. As noted below, in maintenance and support, a licensee may get a service credit or other limited right. Licensees often seek a variety of infringement-related warranties relating to the software. With exceptions, licensors usually resist infringement and intellectual property warranty requests and instead agree to provide an intellectual property indemnification provision to the licensee. These may be provided by licensors if requeste but the language.
In some software licensing agreements, licensees will negotiate acceptance testing provisions with specific remedies if the software fails to conform or perform according to designated criteria. Licensors resist acceptance testing and typically take the position that their performance or conformance warranty is all that is needed. However, for some transactions, acceptance testing may be appropriate such as where significant customizations are being made (see below) to enable the licensee to. The indemnification most requested by licensees is an intellectual property indemnification provision.
Licensees typically look for broad-form indemnification, defense and hold harmless provisions relating to any third party claims made against the licensee’s use of the software. If a licensor is willing to indemnify for third-party intellectual property infringement claims, a licensor will typically offer a narrower indemnity and agree to take certain actions if an injunction is sought or obtained against a licensee’s use of the software. Most licensors will want the indemnity and the additional actions to serve as the licensee’s exclusive remedy for intellectual property infringement and claims.
Does the provision cover worldwide intellectual property o. The Authored Work used for any purpose not directly related to these terms must be with the express written permission of the Licensor and may include the. When negotiating a licensing agreement , this checklist of practical considerations can help to frame key issues on both sides of the table. A checklist to aid in negotiating a licensing agreement , much less to aid in actually preparing and writing the agreement itself, may sound like a simplistic tool to an experienced negotiator or contract attorney. This License provides the limited right to reproduce, publicly display and distribute the Authored Work only for the agreed upon terms set forth in this Agreement and signed by both Parties. The following is a checklist and short discussion of the main issues the reviewer should consider.
SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT CHECKLIST – WHAT TO LOOK FOR WHEN PURCHASING SOFTWARE By Joanne M. A CHECKLIST FOR LICENSE AGREEMENTS 1: Effective Date 2: Proper Identification of correct parties In organizations where there are a number of corporate entities, whether on the side of the licensor or the licensee, you must ensure that the correct entity enters into the Agreement and that it is properly identified. Trademark License Agreement Instructions The following provision-by-provision instructions will help you understand the terms of your agreement. A license agreement is a business contract between two parties. The numbers and letters below (e.g., Section Section 2(a), etc. You can pick any topic and no matter what, you can find something related to it from multiple sources.
Even if you’re looking for a licensing agreement , you can just type in “ licensing agreement checklist ” and you can get an idea of what your agreement terms would be and what should go into your agreement.