The information you enter is not save so it is completely. Legal Aid NSW produces easy to understand resources to help. Our lawyers give free legal advice at locations across New. Visit Best for Kids: it has family law information for.

Describes the various community based services including. Our legal services include legal advice , help at court and family dispute resolution. We can help in most areas of criminal law, family law and civil law.
What is free legal assistance? This tool is designed by lawyers to help you find the best way to deal with your traffic offence problem. Just answer a few questions, we’ll explain your options to help you make a decision about what to do next. In this special Law Week episode, we talk to Kerry Wright about the best places to find legal information whether you have a COVID-related legal issue or a more general legal issue. It delivers legal services in most areas of criminal, family and civil law.
Watch our new animated videos to find out how. Using our website you can locate plain language legal information across a wide range of subjects including: debt, family law, neighbours, fines, criminal law, and planning ahead. She is also the Secretary General of the National Association of Democratic Lawyers and a member of the Legal Practice Council. Legal aid is government funding to pay for legal help for people who cannot afford a lawyer.
We are sure you will find this excellent podcast conversation both interesting and relevant to your practice of criminal law. Legal aid is the provision of assistance to people who are unable to afford legal representation and access to the court system. Legal aid is regarded as central in providing access to justice by ensuring equality before the law, the right to counsel and the right to a fair trial.

The exceptions are Alaska and Hawaii, which have higher income eligibility thresholds. NSW is on the brink of a legal aid funding crisis and risks replicating the United Kingdom experience where strikes by lawyers over low fees have plunged the justice system into chaos, according. NSW has laws to ensure that everyone is safe and is treated equally, no matter who they are. NSW is a strong community where diversity is valued. Have you been affected by recent storms or floods?
Already have a Grants Online username? Login using your Grants Online details. Social Justice law provides help with income security and housing issues. So, for example if you have an issue with your landlor or with income assistance, CPP, or EI we can help. More information about our history can be found on this page.
Legal help for children and young people There is free legal aid for children and young people. They deliver legal services in most areas of criminal, family and civil law. Their services are provided through the Central Sydney office and regional offices. We deliver legal services in most areas of criminal, family and civil law. Our services are provided through our Central Sydney office and regional offices.
I work for NSW is the jobs site for NSW Government featuring thousands of opportunities across the sector. If you have a legal problem, you should see a lawyer. The federal attorney-general, Christian Porter, was approached for. Before using the site, you should read the Panels Application Website Quick Guide.

Having a diverse, inclusive workplace makes us better, and this Talking about Inclusion video shows how an inclusive workplace makes work fun too. Please contact us to find out how we can help you.