Law access nsw

LawAccess NSW is a great starting point for legal help. Using our website you can locate plain language legal information across a wide range of subjects including: debt, family law , neighbours, fines, criminal law , and planning ahead. Simply type a keyword in the search bar above or choose a. Sample letter to Transport NSW – access application;.

After registration, the NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and.

When you write a letter to a law firm, your name and address. Affidavits, statements and statutory declarations. Do you have a legal problem in NSW ? A guided pathway can give you some information after you answer.

Debts can arise in lots of different ways. In this section you will find information about: 1. Gifts and private loans 3.

Loans and credit cards 4. See full list on lawaccess. If someone owes you money, you can make a claim asking them to repay the money to you. A common way to make a claim for money owed is to send a letter of demand.

For more information, see Making a claim. There are different ways that you can respond to their claim, including writing a response to their letter of demand. Talk to the other person, negotiate with them, or try mediation. If someone is chasing you for money and they start a case against you, you will need to decide how to respond to the court case. However, it is a good idea to try to avoid going to court by settling your dispute, if possible.

A driving offence occurs when someone driving a vehicle, or someone in a vehicle, breaks a law. This section covers: 1. Losing your licence 7. A crime occurs when a person breaks a law and commits an offence against the community in general or against a particular victim. Before you go to court, you should check what you have been charged with and consider how you want to respond to those charges. Checking what you have been charged with 2.

Negotiating with the police 3. What can you be charged with? Pleading guilty or not guilty 4. The first court date 5. Your case may be dealt with on the first day so you should prepare before you go to court. Preparing for court 3. Intervention programs 4. Changing your plea 6. Going to the hearing 4. After you plead guilty or are found guilty after a hearing, the magistrate will sentence you. You may also get a record.

Paying a court fine 3. Driving and criminal records 5. Appealing the decision. It provides a summary of all the information in the Fences section of LawAssist. Please provide your login details to view the secured page or asset. JusticeNSW 27views. If you missed court 6. Tips on how to behave in and for the courtroom in Australia – Duration: 6:54.

Law Access is a not-for-profit organisation that coordinates the giving of pro bono (free) legal assistance by the Western Australian legal profession. They can provide you with information about your legal problem and contact details for services that might be able to assist you. Part Division Section 38.

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