Investor visa new zealand

How can I become a New Zealand resident? What are the entry requirements for New Zealand? What is the immigration policy in New Zealand? For example, if you nominate $3m of investment funds and invest $1.

If you’re interested in applying under one of our investor policies, the opportunities you take up must fit our ‘acceptable investment’ criteria.

Broadly speaking, acceptable investments can be: 1. Equity in NZ firms, public or private. Bonds, issued by the NZ Government, NZ local authorities or approved NZ banks, finance companies or firms. New residential property development that is not for the investor’s personal use and designed to make a commercial return on the open market. Up to of the investment total can be philanthropic investment.

Generally, to be considered acceptable, an investment must: 1. Be capable of a commercial return under normal circumstances. Be invested in New Zealand in New Zealand currency.

Have the potential to contribute to New Zealand’s economy. Not be for the perso. See full list on newzealandnow.

You’ll also need to provide evidence showing that your intended investment funds: 1. Immigration New Zealand will not be able to approve your application if you are unable to transfer funds to New Zealand through the banking system). With either category, you’ll have months to transfer your investment funds in an acceptable investment in New Zealand. You can apply to have this timeframe extended and you can also apply for a work visa so you can travel to New Zealand to look into investment opportunities. If you want to work full-time in a business you own, our Entrepreneur visas are worth exploring. If you’re a high impact entrepreneur or investor looking to create scalable, positive global impact, our Global Impact Visa could be for you.

Looking to make a global impact? If you invest a minimum of NZD $750in growth investments you must spend a minimum of 4days in New Zealand over years from when you: first arrived in New Zealand as a resident, or. You may also qualify for bonus points. Business and investor visas allow people who can contribute to New Zealand ’s economy to live in New Zealand. Investor Resident Visa applicants.

You can do this by investing in New Zealand business or government, or if you have the right business experience, by buying or setting-up your own business in New Zealand (NZ). Permanent Residency (PR) can be obtained by investing in residential property, commercial property, and certain high growth investments including government bonds.

This visa allows the applicant to live and work in NZ for the permanent period. For the investor visa category, once the residence is approve you must spend spend at least 1days each year in New Zealand in years two, three and four of your four-year investment period or 4days over the four year investment period. You have year time to transfer the investment. Qualifying investments.

This three year work visa is structured in two stages: 1. Start-up stage: If your application is approve you will initially be given a 12-month work visa, enabling you to buy or establish your business in New Zealand. Requirements for this visa include: 1. NZ$100(excluding working capital) 2. English language requirements. The Entrepreneur Residence Category allows you to live in New Zealand permanently if you have established a high growth and innovative business with export potential in New Zealand. There are two ways of qualifying for residence under this policy: 1. Entrepreneur Residence Category (months) – This option provides a faster track to residence if you have invested at least NZ$500in your business and have created a minimum of three new full-time jobs for New Zealand citizens or residents.

Partners and dependent children can be granted work and student visas if they are accompanying the holder of an Entrepreneur Work Visa to New Zealand. They can also be included in an Entrepreneur Residence Visa application. The New Zealand investor visa requires an investment of at least NZ$ million for years in New Zealand. Only acceptable New Zealand investments can be invested in.

It means that you have to stay invested in New Zealand for at least four years for a grant of resident status. This visa requires you to stay in the country for 1days per year for the last three years of the visa duration or 4days in total over the entire period of the visa. The application will be examined and approved.

INZ will issue a letter of approval and ask the applicant to invest in New Zealand. After receiving the letter, the Principal Applicant can obtain a 12-month work visa to invest in New Zealand. Here, you have two options to choose from – under the ‘investor plus’ policy, where the minimum investment capital is million NZ dollars for a minimum of three years. Those who apply for the visa should possess significant funds that they are willing to invest in the local economy.

Below are the main differences between these two options. The country is consistently ranked in the top in terms of protecting investors, starting a business, and ease of doing business.

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