Iag shares deceased estates

Deceased Estates Checklist for Australian Residents This checklist has been prepared to assist executors and administrators when dealing with the securities of an individual deceased securityholder where the deceased was an Australian resident. See full list on iag. IAG has the following securities listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX): 1. Ordinary Shares (ASX code: IAG ) 2. Capital Notes (IAGPD) 3. The current market price can be found on the share price page These securities can be purchased or sold through a registered stockbroker. If you do not have a relationship with a stockbroker, our share registrar has a convenient online share sale facility called Investor Trade, which provides a secure and easy way for you to sell shares without the need to with a stockbroker. Follow the instructions below to check and update your details.

How do I change my personal details on IAG’s share register? Access the Computershare Investor Centrewhere you can follow the prompts to as either an existing or new user. Once you are logged in, click on ‘My Profile’ on the right hand side under your name and select the information you wish to update. How can I find my shareholder number (SRN)? If you wish to transfer your shares to another person, other than through selling your shares on the ASX, you will need to complete a Transfer Form.

You can locate the form by logging on to the Computershare Investor Centre or by downloading the Standard Transfer form. If you have a broker-sponsored (CHESS) holding, then you will need to contact. The standard transfer form requires you to provide a state or territory of registration. We know the process of managing a deceased estate can seem complicated. Computershare has an online toolto assist in the management of deceased estates , and provides assistance with the forms required via the following checklist links: 1. Download deceased estate checklist (6KB) 2. Is there a dividend reinvestment plan (DRP)?

The DRP is currently operating and is available to holders of ordinary shares with a registered address within Australia and New Zealand. For more information and an enrolment form please visit the Dividend Reinvestment Plan. You can also enrol via the Computershare Investor Centreby clicking on the My Profile section. Can I receive my dividend and interest payments by cheque?

If you are registered with an overseas address you can receive payment by cheque in Australian dollars. Australian resident investors only receive payment by direct credit or, if you hold ordinary shares that participate in the DRP, via the issue of additional shares. If you wish to change your nominated bank account please to the Computershare Investor Centreor contact Computershare or IAG Investor Relations. Can I find out if I have unpaid dividends? If a shareholding has been marked as lost for a period of six years or more due to postal mail being returned or undelivere dividends and shares may be transferred to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

Dividend payments that remain outstanding for six years or more may have been transferred to the Office of State Revenue (OSR). If you are unable to complete the unclaimed money form as you do not have proof of your previous address, please contact IAG Investor Relationsto request proof of shareholding. I have been contacted by an unclaimed money search company.

It applies only to IAG shareholders who are Australian residents and does not apply to shares held as trading stock or revenue assets. What is the cost base? When will the next IAG annual general meeting (AGM) be held?

Shareholders receive a notice of meeting prior to the AGM. Where can I get a copy of the annual review or annual report? You can also view our current annual review and annual report online, as well as all of our previous reports to shareholders in the annual reportssection of IAG’s website.

IAG strongly encourages the use of paperless communication. If shares are jointly hel the shares pass on to the surviving holder but this process occurs outside of the actual administration of the estate. Joint name shareholdings only form part of an estate when both joint holders are deceased. For joint name shareholdings to be transferred documentation will need to be provided to support the process. Dealing with deceased estate share sales on a daily basis, the Sell My Shares team offers a friendly, personable service to help you sell or transfer deceased estate shares lightning fast and without any fuss.

Refer to the FAQs for more information. Aussie Share Sales allows you to sell your shares simply and effectively with funds transferred directly to your nominated bank account. We specialise in the one off sale of issuer sponsored shares acquired through IPO, employee shares schemes, company floats, or inherited from deceased estates. Sale of shares relief ― principles. If shares are sold in the year following death at an overall loss, relief may be available by substituting the sale price of the sold shares for their death values, thus generating a repayment of inheritance tax.

The basic conditions for claiming the relief are summarised as follows. Sell your ASX listed shares without a broker or opening a full trading account. Bit of a difference there. Tax and deceased estates.

There is no inheritance or estate tax in Australia. If you do not complete and send in all of the relevant forms, the sale of shares will be delayed. Details of company(ies) in which the shares are held must be included. Create, store and share important documents that your loved ones might need.

This information can be found on the latest Holding Statement or certificate.