Hong kong companies registry forms

Hong kong companies registry forms

E- forms submitted in the old templates downloaded from the e- Registry before a. More information on the waiver and fee reduction will be announced soon. If the particulars have not been reported to Companies Registry , they must be updated using form ND2B. See full list on companyincorporation-hongkong. Select the capacity of the Director – This may be either Director or Alternative Director. If this is alternative director, state who.

The Reserve Director is applicable only for a private company with only one member who is also the sole director of the company. For a private company, tick the box to make the Statement. Particulars of members of a non-listed company are listed in Schedule or 2. Either the director or company secretary must sign and fill in the name and date.

Fill in the number of pages for each continuation sheets in a table. Non-listed company having a share capital must complete this page. Enter Class of Shares and Total Number of Issued Shares in this Class. The particulars include name, address, shares of current holding, shares of transferred (with number and date), and percentage of issued shares held in this class. Listed company having a share capital must complete this page.

Hong kong companies registry forms

Under For Listed Company, enter the Date to which this Return is Made Up. Must provide the particulars of members who held or more of the issued shares in any class of the company’s shares as at the date to which this return is made up. How to register a foreign company in Hong Kong? Do Hong Kong companies have tax ID? What is Hong Kong private limited company?

Companies for Registration ” for the specified requirements of the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM. Delivery of Documents. Business Registration Certificates for Years. Hard Copy Form to Companies Registry. Address : 14th floor, Queensway Government Offices, Queensway, Hong Kong.

Annual Return form for Hong Kong Companies Registry, you will have to fill in the following information. Enter the company number and the company name. The company number and company name must be the same ones as those stated in the company’s Certificate of Incorporation, or the last Certificate of Change of Name.

As per the rules in the Companies Ordinance, each of the Hong Kong companies has to file the Annual Return regularly every year in the prescribed form. Registrar of Companies (the Registrar) for registration ? The form that is used is called the NARform. The contents of this form include the particulars of the issued share capital, registered capital, registered office, secretary(s), director(s), shareholder(s), etc. Obey the company annual return filing requirements and deadlines of the Hong Kong ’s Tax Authority and Companies Registry.

Explained in details further. At least seven years of detailed accounting records have to be kept for a business. If the records of the accounting are kept out of Hong Kong , the returns have to be kept in Hong Kong. The documents set out below are for general reference only and should not be treated as a complete and authoritative version of the law.

The Office is the sole place where one may obtain information about these entities. Form (a) – Application by an individual for registration of business carried on by him in Hong Kong. Form (b) – Application by a body corporate for registration.

Hong kong companies registry forms

Form (c) – Application by partnership or by other body unincorporate for registration of business carried on by such body in Hong Kong.