Hong kong business guide

Business Resource Directory features Acute SEO’s preferred clients. As a local directory, we will feature your business information in our website directory and enable you to. Largely market-driven with an independent judiciary, robust intellectual property protection and the use of English, the territory is a good place to do business.

Hong kong business guide

You can seek enforcement of your legal rights and others’ obligations through this judicial system. There are various policies and schemes for the employment of foreign professionals, employment of Mainland talents and professionals, those wishing to enter for investment etc. All are considered equal before the law. Hong Kong follows a liberal immigration policy.

The law is committed to the protection of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)and enforces stringent regulations for patents, copyrights, trademarks and registered designs. There are distinct rules and regulations concerning trade and commerce, employment, taxation and other business-related areas, making it an attractive place to setup and operate a business. This setup is often referred to as “One China, Two Systems”. See full list on guidemehongkong. It is also cited as one of the most corruption-free economiesin the world.

Hong kong business guide

The workforce consists of a local talent pool of experienced and entrepreneurial professionals who are known to be especially well versed with the business culture in the fast-growing Mainland cities. Employees are generally considered to be hard-working, competitiveand are constantly seeking to improve themselves. Although English is the language of communication in business settings, bulk of the workforce is also conversant with Cantonese and Mandarin, owing to the country’s link to China.

It is said to have one of the Best Airports and Busiest Ports in the world. Transportation services are efficient and cheap connecting all major centres. It is often voted as the ‘Best Convention and Exhibition Centre in Asia Pacific’.

These parks provide integrated infrastructure in one region that help reduce the per-business expense, and also help companies operate in a highly conducive, environment friendly setting. Broadband coverage is availab. The social and ethnic fabric is a unique blend of cultures and people rendering a cosmopolitan lifestyle.

The city is considered modern and westernised but unfortunately experiences a high level of air pollution and traffic congestion. It also offers equally impressive gastronomical fare to suit international tastes. In this case, you can only choose one business in which to use the two-tiered system.

Entities are also seen as “connected” if the more than in both of them is owned by a company , not a person. He must keep such records for at least years. This is where it will come in handy. But if you read the “fine print” on your customs slip, you are not supposed to work or do business on this type of visa (don’t worry, it is kind of a catch-because the government wants you to open and establish a business there).

If your host offers you tea or drinks, do not. Discover simple ways to turn it into your own “money tree”. Star Boutique Small Luxury Hotels. This special administrative region of the People’s Republic of China is characterized by having a significantly open economy, a simple tax system, and a strategic location that provides companies with a gateway into mainland China and the Asia-Pacific region. These should be presented and received with both hands, and then studied carefully for a few seconds, ideally accompanied by a sage and solemn nod.

Hong kong business guide

Online Services for Non-Residents. Government Forms for Non-Residents. No restriction on business scope. International transportation hub with excellent business infrastructure facilities.

Simple and Low Tax System ♦ Corporate tax is capped at 16. It is one of the most business -friendly tax systems in the world. Please note that all the information listed below are to be used as a general guideline.

Hong kong business guide

YOUR EXCLUSIVE GUIDE TO HONG KONG AND MACAU. Simply appoint us as your local travel partner then sit back and relax. Such a corporate tax rate in Hong kong is considered low when compared against other economic powerhouses in.

In Japan for example, the corporate tax rate is , and in South Korea, it is.

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