Gas meter inside house regulations

The risk, as stated above, is indoor gas leaks. To minimize the risk, the compartment in which the gas meter is located should have free venting to outside air and be sealed from other indoor areas. In or near a traffic area unless adequately protected from passing vehicles by bollards, a concrete barrier, or equivalent. What is gas meter regulation?

Is it safe to install a gas meter in an outside area? Branch lines run to individual appliances.

The branch line terminates in a drop line, which is a vertical pipe dropping down to the appliance from an overhead branch line. The Michels Corporation construction foreman will need access to CenterPoint Energy’s natural gas meter inside your house to move the meter outside and relight your natural gas appliance pilot lights after the meter is relocated. If house is on corner with road running down side of house, then box can be on this wall or on back wall, but if on back wall same regs apply with regard distance and gate etc. Meters, when set inside , will be installed immediately adjacent to and in the same room where the gas service line enters the building. All gas meters will be placed where they will be easily accessible, not exposed to extreme heat sources and located at least feet from any ignition source, electrical panel or electrical meter.

New natural gas meter is installed outside of home. Natural gas service line is repiped. Please call us between a. The floor-to-ceiling height inside of the meter room must be a minimum of 7.

The preferred height is not more than feet. When a gas meter is used indoors good practice and plumbing codes require that the meter regulator be connected to a vent pipe extending to the outdoors so that in the unlikely event of a leak-failure of the gas pressure regulator, leaking gas will not accumulate in the building where it would form an explosion hazard. Gas meters and regulators inherently vent natural gas when in operation. When multiple meters are installed inside a building, the accumulation of gas can create a potentially highly flammable and explosive environment.

There are stringent requirements surrounding the construction and ongoing maintenance for the upkeep of the gas metering rooms. For overhead service drops, the centerline of all meters shall be between and feet from the finished grade. There shall be a minimum distance of feet of unobstructed working space, measured from the meter face, in front of all electric and natural gas meters. We require a 3-foot minimum separation between natural gas and electric facilities.

In an area that normally permit the installation of the service in a straight-line perpendicular to the street. Above two inch diameter, duration shall be a minimum of minutes. Maximum test pressure shall not exceed three times design pressure of the. The electricity meter is in the hall, in a cupboard next to the front door, by the fuse boxes.

Gas meter location: gas meters are located outdoors except when special permission is given by the gas company. Indoor gas meters increase the risk of an indoor gas leak, require special venting, and can make it more dangerous to shut off gas in an emergency. A gas meter room is a space within a building that is solely used to house natural gas metering equipment. On an exception basis, gas meters and regulators may be installed in a specially designed gas meter room. Gas piping inside a building shall not be installed in or through a clothes chute, chimney or gas vent, dumbwaiter, elevator shaft, or air duct, other than combustion air ducts.

Exception: Ducts used to provide ventilation air in accordance with Section 701.

Gas Meter Room doors that open outwards directly on to the footpath shall feature 180° hinges. All internal doors shall be close fitting and fitted with vapor proof seals to prevent the possible migration of gas. Keep meter clear of any landscaping that obstructs access or visibility. Shrubs and plants should trimmed regularly. Do not build decking or fencing that blocks access to the meter.

Instruct children not to climb on or play near a meter. General Requirements. Inside Corners Clearance distances from the regulator relief vent or meter set assembly to the feature must be maintained in accordance with this handout. Measure as if using a string. Meter Set Protection Meters sets must be installed in locations adequately protected from possible damage.

Meter Installation from Pad-Mount Transformer usi ng Bushing Type CT’s Figure 14b. You can site a meter pretty much anywhere except a bathroom so indoor or outdoor is fine. The caveat to this is that there must be adequate ventilation and easy access to the control valve and as near as possible to the service pipe ( gas pipe) running to your property.

The meter must also back onto an outside wall.