Use this template to identify and describe specific hazards for high-risk construction work and determine the control measures to be put in place for safe completion of work. A document that covers everything? The answer is not really. This safe work method statement for concrete is free to use and customisable – and helps you standardise and improve concreting safety. Concrete works (slab, delivery, pumping etc.) can be hazardous activities on any construction site, which is why companies create safe work method statements for these operations.

Some other SWMS details – Including the parties or people who helped develop and review this safe work method statement can be really important. This method statement describes the safety requirements and safe work procedure for concreting operations to: 1. Ensure controls are in place to steer clear of hazard exposure. Concreting operations are vulnerable to safety and health hazards.
Use any other resources and methods not referred to in this method statement to suit the project requirement. Execute the work safely complying with the required standard. Include with detail, any crucial information specific to the project. Follow the approved checklists prior to the start of the activity.
See full list on resources. Inspect and check the batching equipment including equipment calibration before the operation begins. Weigh the cementitious materials and aggregates independently in separate compartments. Ensure that the weigh hopper charging and discharging gates close tightly when producing concrete.
During transportation, the concrete mix shall maintain its cohesiveness and workability. Make sure that the measuring accuracy of batch materials weighin. Check the formwork and reinforcement before placing the concrete to ensure that they are clean and free of any debris. Deposit the concrete as close as possible to its final position. When filling columns and walls, take care that the concrete does not strike the formwork face, which might impact the surface finish.
For deep sections place the concrete in layers that are uni. Safety is essential and imperative part of the construction process. Provide personal protective equipment(PPE) to all personnel involved in the Diaphragm wall activity and provide the required safety equipment. Save time with our content-rich , fully editable Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS). Simply add your company details and read the document to ensure all details are relevant to your business.
DOCUMENT NO: Sp 0ACTIVITY : Concrete Formwork REVIEW NO: DATE: Authorised by: B. Geldenhuys Page 1- Version. A SWMS or Safe Work Method Statement is a crucial part of any Workplace Safety Management Plan. So how do you obtain a high quality SWMS Template that is specific to your business and work activity? Customise and write your Safe Work Method Statement using the guidelines outlined below.

There are specific activities defined as high risk construction work (HRCW). This document advises employers and self-employed people how to prepare a safe work method statement (SWMS) for these activities to ensure workers’ safety on construction sites. A Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) is a set of work procedures that identify hazards and control measures with known tasks.
It is a way to identify risks associated with a worksite and how best to manage them. SWMS must include the names of the people at the workplace, arrangements for the management of any incidents should they arise, health and safety rules specific to the worksite and ways to collect and review the document. Ensure all clearances from the concerned Government department obtained. Your safe work method statement (SWMS) template.

SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT No. We provide Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) documentation to Australian concreting business. All of our documents are downloadable immediately in order to save you time and allow you to stay focused on getting the job done in a safe and compliant manner.
Assessment or a detailed Safe Work Method Statement to be carried out.