See full list on eforms. People change their name for a variety of reasons. By far the most common reason people change their name (last name) is due to marriage or divorce. Other reasons include: 1. State Witness Program 4. Family Fallout The process of changing your name is not difficult however it requires a tedious effort to do so. There are many steps, which can be slow at times, that are required to successfully change your name.
It’s changing all your documents that is the hard part which includes your identification car social security car birth certificate and credit cards. The following are the steps to successfully change your name. General information about changing your name after marriage: 1. Age Requirement– years of age 3. Identification– Valid photo ID 4. Your Current Passport 3. Complete Form DS-either Online or in Adobe PDF 2. New Passport Photo (colored) 5. As it varies by state, changing you name typically costs under a few hundred dollars. It’s after you change your name that the fees add up with things like a new drivers license, social security card and passport.
All of which will cost money to replace. Again, states charge different fees to replace IDs and documents. How long does it take to change your name? At a minimum, it will take about weeks from start to finish. Depending on the state, the process to change your name could take anywhere from months to months.

For example, in Florida it’s required that you must have your fingerprints submitted to the Department of Law Enforcement for a criminal records check and you cannot request a petition to change your name until the court receives the. It’s these types of requirements that can slow down the process to change your name. Can I change your name? This action is a legal procedure involving the change of name from the originally given name at the time of birth of a person to a different name of choice. This act may occur majorly due to marriage, divorce, adoption, etc but the reasons may not always be the same.
A name change template can be used to let all of your contacts know your new name at once. This form should only be used once you have already legally changed your name via a marriage certificate or court order. The reasons as to why someone would want to change their name may vary.
It could be that the person needs to change their name due to circumstances that requires them to such as marriage, or one could simply do it just because it sounds cool. What forms do you need to change your name? How to request a name change?
How can I change my name legally for free? Voter Registration 6. Changing your name after marriage is a simple process, and can be accomplished without filing a petition and attending a hearing at your county’s courthouse. Simply enter your proposed new name onto your marriage license an after the wedding, file your marriage license with the county court. A copy of your marriage certificate will be sent to you – this will serve as your primary legal name change document. Use it to update your married name with various government agencies and financial in.
Many people wish to change their name after they get divorcein the case where they have taken the name of their now-divorced spouse. Those interested in reverting back to their maiden name only need to include a clause in the divorce petition stating their desire to do so. The court can order the name change within the divorce decree, as long as they are certain you are not changing your name to avoid criminal prosecution or debt collectors.
Name Change After Marriage 2. The divorce decree is proof of your legal name ch. A legal adult name change must be processed through the petitioner’s local county court. According to the Texas statutes, an adult with a felony conviction, or an adult who is a registered sex offender can only petition for a name change if one (1) of the following circumstances apply and the name change is in the interest or to the benefit of the p. To update your new name change on your driver’s license, you must first contact the Social Security Administration and notify them of your new name. There is no online option, so you will have to complete the process in person or by mail.

First, download and complete the Application for a Social Security Card Form. Next, gather documents that prove your legal name change, identity, and U. Send by mail or hand deliver the completed Application Form and th. Texans who have recently legally changed their name should update their voter registration information as soon as possible. To do so, visit txapps.
Continue button at the bottom to proceed with the online registration process). There is a voter registration application form, but this is intended for individuals who have not only changed addresses, but have moved to a different county. Minor name changes (persons under the age of eighteen) are processed in the county court where the child resides.
A parent, legal guardian, or appointed conservator must be the person who files the petition with the court clerk. The procedure is slightly different than that of an adult name change, and the forms vary depending on how many of the minor’s parents are involved in the filing of the petition. Furthermore, written consent from the minor is required if the child is over the age of t. This form can also be used to petition for the name change of a minor.
To petition for an adult name change , simply do not fill out any fields that pertain to a minor name change. A statement of verification is attached to the Petition and must be completed by you, the petitioner. This section is used to swear to the truthfulness of the contents of the Petition. Also referred to as the Notice of Hearing Order Form, or simply the Order, the Order of Publication Form must be downloaded and completed. Cover sheets are sometimes used to ensure a civil case moves through the court system without any issues.

Ask your local court clerk if any of these forms are necessary an if they are, collect them from the clerk, or download them, and fill them out. Examples of Cover Sheets: 1. Philadelphia County Civil Cover Sheet. Make copies of the Petition, Order, Cover Sheets (if required) and file them with the Prothonotary Office in your county. The clerk will ask you to pay all associated filing fees (fees can range anywhere from $1to over $300). Hearings usually won’t be scheduled until forty-five (45) days after you have filed your name change petition t. In some counties, a Fingerprinting Order Form must be submitted to the judge along with the Petition.
The judge will sign the Fingerprinting Order and give it back to you so you can start the criminal background check process. If you reside in a county that does not require this Order Form, simply ask the Prothonotary office to provide you with a fingerprint card after you have filed your Petition (see an example of a fingerprint card here). This Notice must be published in two (2) newspapers in your county, or a county contiguous to your county.
Papers will charge a fee for the publication of legal notices – perform a newspaper search by county here. To ensure you do not have any outstanding judgments or decrees of recor an official search must be conducted by the Prothonotary Office, the Clerk of Court’s Office and the Recorder of Deeds’ Office in all counties in which you resided for the past five (5) years. File the Decree with the Prothonotary and ask for a certified copy. This will be used to update your name change with various state and federal. Before you begin the minor name changing process, you may want to check with your local court clerk (and possibly an attorney) to make sure that there aren’t any additional steps, or specific forms required for the county in which the minor resides.
Any minor aged thirteen (13) or older must have their fingerprints taken at their local law enforcement agency. Skip this step if the minor for whom you are petitioning a name change is under the age of thirteen (13). Bring the Petition, Fingerprint Card (if applicable), Order of Publication, and a copy of the minor’s birth certificate to the County Court of Common Pleas where the minor resides. File these documents with the Prothonotary’s office and pay all associated fees (typically around $100).
Take copies to the Court Administration’s office so your petition can be assigned to a judge. Shortly after you file the Petition, you will receive the Order of Publication in the mail from the courthouse. The Order will disclose the hearing date, time, and any other pertinent information. Download and complete the Publication Notice Form and submit it to two (2) newspapers in the county where the minor resides.
If there is only one (1) parent petitioning for the name change of their chil they must get the other parent’s consent. Each county has a different policy regarding the number of days the Notice m. The same goes for if none of the parents are filing the petition. Have the parent(s) fill out the Consent Form and sign it in front of a notary public. If consent is not obtainable, you must send copies of both the Petition and the Order of Publication to the parent(s) by regular and certified mail.
The parent(s) must sign the return receipt so you can bring it as proof of. In order for a minor to be approved of a name change, they must be clear of any judgments or decrees of record against them. Visit the Prothonotary Office and Recorded of Deeds Office in all the counties where the minor resided in the past five (5) years. The Indiana Coalition for Court Access has a new website for Hoosiers to get help with civil cases.
This set of forms is for use in name change proceedings. The forms must be filed in the family division of circuit court. For most people, it is an easy process.
We give you all the name change forms and instructions free of charge. If you are recently marrie the process is especially easy. Read the Frequently Asked Questions for additional information.
The Instructions tell you the steps to follow. This is a completely free kit designed to help brides change their names and update their records in accordance with their new name , marital status, and other details. FREE , Not for Sale : The information and forms available on this website are free.
By using this website, you agree not to sell or make a profit in any way from any information or forms that you obtained through this website. Divorced or getting divorced If you want to change your name back to your maiden name or a prior married name , select this process. They are not for sale.