Extension of probation period in india

Is the probation for an ISS employee binding? What is a probation period? Extension of Probation Period.

Extension of probation period in india

A probationer continuing past the probation period will not automatically become a permanent employee and the employer has rights to extend the probation. As the term suggests, it is an extension of your probation period , beyond the date when it is supposed to end. The employer issues a probation extension letter to the ones who are unable to match the required parameters and fail the tests.

If you leave ISS India before confirmation during the probation perio days’ notice periodwould beor as mentioned in the Appointment Letter from the company,is required to be served. Rules provide to the contrary. Giving such extension letter now will be a foul play with the employee(s) concerned for a fault which they have not committed. We would like to offer an extension of your current period for another (three) months effective from the expiry of your original probationary period. The same has been conveyed to you at the time of your review.

We therefore regret to inform you that your probation has been extended for a further period of months i. You will next be reviewed on 23. A set of activities mutually agreed upon will be listed and handed over to you from my office in due. Probation is confirmed in writing, initial period of probation will be deemed to have been confirmed on completion of months on its own. Condition that total period Of probation exceed double the prescribed period Of probation, 15. The inconsistent part of the agreement is ineffective and unenforceable.

If the Appointing Authority thinks it fit, they may extend the period of probation of a Government servant by a specified period but the total period of probation should not exceed double the normal period. In such cases, periodic reviews should be done and extension should not be done for a long period at a time. Probation period usually lasts for a period of six months to a year. The law has not prescribed or intimidated any maximum period.

NATURE OF PROBATIONARY EMPLOYMENT Since the employment is conditional in case of probationary employees, the employer has the power to fire the probationary employees if the required conditions are not fulfilled. Let us further assume that the statutory maximum probation period for the employee is months and that the employer sets the probation period for months (that is, months over the legal maximum). It permits the release on probation for a maximum period of three years and also has a provision for revoking the term. Probation in India : The term Probation is derived from the Latin word probare, which means to test or to prove.

It is a treatment device, developed as a non-custodial alternative which is used by the magistracy where guilt is established but it is considered that imposing of a prison sentence would do no good. North and East India. As shown by judicial practices in Beijing, Jiangsu and Shenzhen, most courts tend to maintain that the negotiated extension of probation evades the rule set out in the Employment Contract Law that “the employer shall stipulate only one probationary period with one employee”, and is suspected of infringing upon the employee’s rights, holding such agreements invalid for breach of mandatory legal provisions.

Extension of probation period in india

As per extant instructions ” if during the period of probation, a probationer has not undergone the requisite training course…, the period of probation may be extended by such period or periods as may be necessary, subject to the condition that the total period of probation does not exceed double the prescribed period of probation. A worker may be engaged on probation for a period not exceeding six months, during which his services may be terminated by the employer without notice or severance pay: Provided that a worker. A Probationer reverted or discharged from service during or at the end of the period of probation shall not be entitled to any compensation.

EXTENSION OF PROBATION PERIOD 15. In probation period company can terminate without assigning any reason, but for that appointment letter must indicating that clause clearly. The purpose of placing a person on probation is to try him during the period of probation to assess his suitability for the job concerned. If probation is extende the employee is entitled to receive the normal pay increase during the extended probationary period.

Most of the companies don’t have notice period in probation period. You can leave anytime without any pay. After probation period it means after conformation then either you serve months or months or pay money for month or 2months. How to manage probationary periods: pregnancy and maternity.

Make reasonable adjustments for disabled probationers if necessary. Staff on probation are protected against unlawful discrimination, including disability discrimination.