Laws and procedures regarding expulsion vary between countries and states. Your child cannot be expelled for behaviors that are caused by a disability. If the school is considering expulsion , it must first hold a special Planning and Placement Team (PPT) or 5meeting. This meeting is called a Manifestation Determination Review. If your school does not schedule this meeting, use Sample Letter C to request one.
A child is expelled from school when they are no longer allowed to attend a school for a much longer period of time, often a year or more. Getting expelled is the strictest form of punishment, as it means the child is essentially getting kicked out of school. While it can feel overwhelming, stay calm and get as much information as you can.
Attend the expulsion hearing with your child and make sure they get to tell their side of the story. Why are students expelled from school? What does expelled really mean?

When your kid is expelled from school? Among other requirements, they have to hold a hearing to decide if the misconduct was directly related to the student’s disability. During an expulsion , a student does not have a right to any educational services from the school unless they are receiving special education services.
Students are entitled to: 1. See full list on kidslegal. Expulsions can last: 1. A student cannot be kept from school for more than school days without a formal due process hearing before the school board. If the school board is not scheduled to meet before the student has been out of school for school days, it must hold an emergency meeting for the expulsion hearing. Generally, this means a right to be notified of the recommendation to expel, given the reasons why, and given an opportunity to be heard by the people making the decision on whether or not to expel. Under Maine law, due process requires that: 1. Both the student and parents get a written notice that has: 1. At the expulsion hearing, the school board may have their lawyer there even if you do not have one.

The school does not have to provide you with a lawyer. You may want to talk to a lawyer of your own. Think about what you will say. Be willing to apologize. Explain why you will not behave that way again.
If the expulsion is because of criminal activity, be sure to talk to a juvenile defense attorney before you testify at the hearing. If you are getting help like counseling or AA, tell the board. Be prepared to say why being in school is important to you. If a student is expelled for specific number of school days, and they do not have a re-entry plan, they may simply return to school when the expulsion is over.

If a student has a re-entry plan, they will have to complete the required steps in the plan before they will be allowed to re-enter school. Once the student finishes the requirements of the re-entry plan, they need to ask to go before the school board. The student will need to show that the behavior that caused the expulsion will not be. A re-entry plan is to help a student prove that the behavior that caused them to get expelled will not happen again. Someone from the school needs to review the student’s progress on the plan one month after the expulsion, months after that, and months after that.
If a student is invited to a meeting to make a reentry plan, and they do not go, the school will write one for the stude. A local school board seeking to expel a student must give him a hearing before doing so, unless the student is so disruptive or threatening that he must be removed from school before the hearing. It depends on the offense. Also, the expulsion is the result of a school board action. It can impact your child long into adulthood.

There was a hearing already. Whatever the explanation is, families need to understand how to meet this challenge if they’re ever faced with a child being expelled. A school can suspend or expel any student from school for a gross misdemeanor or persistent disobedience. Some dangerous behavior might count as gross misdemeanors.
Persistent disobedience could be constant disruptions in class that do not improve after other school responses. If your child is expelled and does not find another school to atten your child could face difficulty finding a job as a result of not finishing high school. Expelled students are removed from school for an indefinite time period.
If at the time an expulsion is imposed there are fewer than eighty school days remaining in the school year in which the incident that gives rise to the expulsion takes place, the superintendent may apply any remaining part or all of the period of the expulsion to the following school year.