
Espacenet : free access to millions of patent documents. Find out if your invention is unique or if other inventors have filed patent applications that are considered to be prior art. Why not move to the new interface and.

It contains data on more than 1million patent documents from around the world. The data of the Belgian patents are produced by the Belgian Intellectual Property Office (OPRI).

If you have found a number (for example in an article or magazine) but you do not know what it represents (application, publication, priority or NPL reference number, for example) or which country it comes from, you can use the Smart search option to find the relevant document. Some of the oldest documents are not searchable by bibliographic data, but can be retrieved using their publication numbers. De gegevens van de Belgische octrooien worden geproduceerd door de Belgische Dienst voor de Intellectuele Eigendom (DIE).

Octrooicentrum Nederlan onderdeel van Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederlan biedt u hier online toegang tot ruim 1miljoen octrooipublicaties uit meer dan landen. The of the European Patent Office (EPO). Find information on applying and searching for patents, legal issues on patents, patent grants, rules and regulations about European and international patent applications.

To access the legal status information select INPADOC legal status from the sidebar on the left-hand side of the bibliographic data view. Jahrhundert bis heute.

Dostopen je začetnikom in naprednim uporabnikom in vsebuje več kot 1milijonov patentnih dokumentov z vsega sveta. Can I search for a phrase? Yes, you can search for a phrase using quotation marks (e.g. bicycle frame). Alustage kohe, kasutades Smart search i võimalusi.

Ainult Eesti dokumentide otsimiseks sisestage otsinguaknasse otsingu eesliiteks pn=ee. Laiendatud otsingus lisage avaldatud dokumendi numbri väljale ee. The present specification relates to a metal nanoparticle. The Smart search mask combines multiple functions into a single, easy-to-use search field so that you can enter your queries with or without field identifiers.

A list of worldwide legal status codes, contents and coverage can be found in the Useful tables and statistics, coverage and content section on the EPO. Enter the digits shown in the captcha image and click Submit. Note: Depending on the total number of document pages, it may take a few minutes for the browser prompt to appear. Bibliographic coverage of the worldwide database.

Are the help files available in other languages? You can view the Help files in English, French or German. Simply click on your chosen language in the banner.

The moderators will use this space to announce changes or other relevant information.

Pekka Koivukangas has drawn up an excellent guide for a publication series published by Aalto university “Patenttitiedon hyödyntäminen tuoteideoiden arvioinnissa ja valinnassa” (only available in Finnish). Other guides in English on EPO’s website. European publication server – the source of information on published patent applications and granted patents.

Diese Domain steht zum Verkauf! Although the EPO does not proactively correct the data it receives from other patent offices, it encourages users to report data errors via a link inserted in every bibliographic record. This patent search tool allows you not only to search the PCT database of about million International Applications but also the worldwide patent collections.

The PATENTSCOPE database provides access to international Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) applications in full text format on the day of publication, as well as to patent documents of participating national and regional patent offices. The database provides free online access to the full text of the patents. To pronounce, take the french word “Espace” – like the Reneault car, stress on second syllable, and add “net” from internet to it: eSpassnet. As all three systems have substantially improved in the last few years, a comparison of their functionalities and capabilities, as discussed herein, is useful for those.

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