An enduring power of attorney is a legal document that allows you (the principal) to nominate one or more persons (referred to as attorneys) to act on your behalf. The NSW Trustee and Guardian is a statutory party to all reviews of revocation of an enduring power of attorney. All parties will receive a copy of this application and all documents unless the Tribunal orders otherwise. For more information refer to the fact sheet ‘Providing information to the Guardianship Division’. A Power of Attorney where you are able to choose the level of assistance you require.

Have you planned ahead? Clause of the power of attorney contains powers which will permit your attorney to use your money and assets for the attorney or anyone else as provided. You should only tick boxes in Clause if you want your attorney to have that powers. This power of attorney is for use in New South Wales only. The form for an enduring power of attorney is different to the one for a general power of attorney.
The form must be witnessed by a barrister, solicitor, registrar of the Local Court, an employee of the NSW Trustee and Guardian or trustee company, a qualified overseas lawyer or a licenced conveyancer. You will also need first to have the document’s effects explained to ensure that it is enduring. NSW : General Powers of Attorney form. Planning ahead enduring guardianship. Qld: Power of Attorney.
Enduring Powers of Attorney form. NT: Powers of Attorney. How to make a Power of Attorney NT. The guidelines set out general points for consideration. They have been prepared by the Law Society of New South Wales.
The forms you will need to use to set up an enduring power of attorney for matters relating to your personal care and welfare, and financial matters (property), are below. I also understand the nature and effect of making an enduring power of attorney as set out in Schedule to this document. However, an enduring power of attorney has some additional requirements.

Powers of attorney , enduring powers of attorney , and enduring guardians If you need help managing your affairs, you can choose to give someone you know and trust, or a specialist organisation (such as the Public Trustee and Guardian in NSW ) the power to make decisions for you. They would do this if you lose capacity to make decisions yourself because of illness or injury. You may also use it to appoint an attorney (or attorneys) for financial matters only or for personal matters (including health care) only. See renunciation by the attorney page.
There is no prescribed form for a revocation of power of attorney. A general power of attorney and an enduring power of attorney are made by completing a standard form , and can only be made while the principal has capacity. A power of attorney can be revoked (that is, cancelled) at any time as long as you still have mental capacity.
Powers of Attorney in New South Wales This fact sheet also contains the forms to make a general power of attorney or an enduring power of attorney. If the Australian power of attorney is an enduring power of attorney then the attorney can generally only resign while the principal has capacity. This gives the principal the opportunity to appoint another attorney in place of the resigning attorney. It is advisable to have an enduring power of attorney prepared by a lawyer, as it must be witnessed by a prescribed person, who may be a lawyer. What is a power of attorney ? If there is a problem with how the enduring power of attorney is working, an application can be made to the Guardianship Tribunal or the Supreme Court for a review of the enduring power of attorney.
The Guardianship Tribunal and the Supreme Court have the power to make a wide range of orders about enduring powers of attorney. Browse information about Guardianship and power of attorney. Visit our COVID-page for information and advice on the assistance available for NSW residents and businesses. This document is important if you were to lose capacity in the future to make independent and informed financial decisions, or no longer wanted the responsibility.

Also, the change in the law does not affect the other enduring power of attorney documents.