Employment legal advice nsw

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We provide free legal advice , assistance and representation for workers with employment law problems. We provide employment law advice in our offices that provide civil law advice throughout NSW. We also have dedicated employment law advice sessions on fixed dates.

Specialist employment law clinics are held at the Legal Aid NSW office locations listed below.

Clinic dates and times are subject to change depending on demand and the availability of Legal Aid NSW solicitors. Please contact the relevant office to check that we can help you and to make an appointment. The Workplace Advice Service provides access to free legal assistance to eligible people and small business employers who need advice or information about dismissal, general protections and workplace bullying.

The Service is currently available in New South Wales , Queenslan South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia. How do I contact the NSW? What is employment law service?

Can We provide representation in employment law? Do I need legal advice? For this reason, it is important to have the best legal advice and representation on your side when issues arise in the workplace.

All of our civil lawyers at Legal Aid NSW can give employment law advice or refer clients to the right place for help. An appointment can be made for advice at any civil law office of Legal Aid NSW. Visit the Legal Aid NSW employment law services website. Tenancy matters – if the client is a landlord. I work for NSW is the jobs site for NSW Government featuring thousands of opportunities across the sector.

Legal Aid Commission, Office of the. Employment matters – if the client is an employer.

We can give advice about the legal minimums in an employment contract. You will need to contact a lawyer for advice about any other terms and conditions in the contract. Find out where to get legal advice. Think a mistake might have been made about the legal minimums in a contract?

Get The Legal Assistance Now With No Upfront Fees. Need Emergency Legal Assistance? Plan That Best Fits Your Needs. March, Consumer Financial. You should get legal advice about your options.

You can still make this claim even if you have started an unfair dismissal or general protections dismissal claim. Browse our database of questions and in terms of employment laws. LawAccess NSW is a great starting point for legal help. Using our website you can locate plain language legal information across a wide range of subjects including: debt, family law , neighbours, fines, criminal law , and planning ahead.

They can provide you with information about your legal problem and contact details for services that might be able to assist you. You’ll find plenty of free legal advice in Avvo’s guides with information on over 0legal topics and over million questions and. Getting help with employment contracts. Just remember that laws can vary significantly from state to state.

Do you need help with a legal issue? Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. These issues could include: job losses.