We can also use our experience with hundreds of employee cases to represent you at a tribunal hearing. Student attorneys are introduced to the employee ’s perspective through litigating unemployment insurance (UI) appeals. The Labor Law Clinic provides students interested in the field of labor and employment law with the opportunity to deepen their understanding through practice. Victoria Inojosa and Matt Lutwen working on a submission to the U. Freedom of Association in Colombia. The Clinic focuses primarily on pre-trial litigation and handles a number of individual cases and class actions.

Employment Discrimination Project Randall D. Students participate at all stages of representation from client interviewing through settlement, trial and appeal. Also included are topics such as workplace discrimination and harassment. Clinics Students in clinics work with real clients on real cases, under the supervision of our expert faculty. Lawyers , judges, and legal educators overwhelmingly endorse the value of clinical education. Clinical work performed by students provides an immeasurable benefit to the clients and agencies they serve.
The requests for assistance continued long after these first cases, so employment law clinic remains today providing HR services for small business clients. In the Fall semester, the classroom and simulation focuses on the pre-trial process through discovery, including depositions. The clinic includes a 2-credit seminar that will address both substantive employment law and lawyering skills. Substantive topics will include the topic mentioned above.
The skills classes will primarily focus on interviewing and counseling, fact investigation, and trial advocacy, and negotiation. In this clinic , students assist low-income workers in two types of proceedings: (1) mediations before the NYC Commission on Human Rights concerning harassment and employment discrimination and (2) unemployment insurance hearings. We provide advocacy, advice and assistance to Michigan workers. The Fair Work Legal Clinic is a free civil legal aid clinic operated in partnership with Seattle University and the University of Washington schools of law.
We educate, advise and represent workers in employment law cases. The Legal Clinic focuses on low-wage industries where workers’ rights are routinely violated. The University of Chicago Law School will launch a new Immigrants’ Rights Clinic in January, adding to the school’s robust set of clinical offerings and giving students a chance to work in a pressing, and often fast-changing, area of the law with a rising star in the field. The employment law clinic offers legal advice and representation to clients who have employment law problems, usually related to disciplinary or grievances at work, dismissal, redundancy or discrimination.

The centre only represents employees and the work is concentrated on those in the lowest paid and most vulnerable employment positions. Specialist employment law clinics are held at the Legal Aid NSW office locations listed below. Clinic dates and times are subject to change depending on demand and the availability of Legal Aid NSW solicitors. Through the clinics , law students learn essential lawyering skills while assuming and growing into the role of lawyer.
Their responsibilities include handling trials and evidentiary hearings, significant appellate arguments and briefs, major business and real estate transactions, legislative and administrative testimony and comments, and complex mediations, negotiations, and counseling sessions. This yearlong clinical course is offered in partnership with the Legal Aid Justice Center, and course meetings are held onsite at the firm. Labor Law Clinics Labor Law Clinics are educational seminars, usually one day in length, which are open to the public and feature DWD staff explaining many of the laws and rules the agency administers. More information is available on attending and sponsoring a Clinic. A certificate of attendance is also available for continuing education credits.
Clinics Go to Clinics and Practical Experience Clinical students work with experienced lawyers to represent clients and build practical skills for courts, legal negotiations and business transactions. The employment law clinic is supervised by two Sussex Law School academics – Dr Amir Paz-Fuchs and Dr Ioannis Katsarampous – who teach and research employment law, and is supported by solicitors from the Brighton and London area, with a particular expertise in employment law. GW Law is proud to honor this significant contribution to the uplifting and maintenance of the legal profession, and his fearless advocacy of the principle of equal justice under the law. The Jacob Burns Community Legal Clinics vary considerably in purpose, duration, requirements, and duties.
They are intended as a general overview of the process and the law only. If you require specific advice on your case, please consult a solicitor, specialist employment law advisor or contact the Law Clinic. Our clinics The Workers’ Rights Clinic provides low-income and unemployed people with confidential information about their legal rights related to work in CALIFORNIA. Monday Night Law provides free 30-minute consultations with volunteer lawyers in the following areas: bankruptcy, consumer law , family law , employment law , landlord-tenant, and small business matters. Participation in a clinic is truly a unique educational opportunity.

It may well be the only occasion during a student’s law school career literally to “practice” law. In a clinic, students represent actual people and work on actual cases. They advocate in court, counsel clients, conduct fact investigations and mediate disputes.
But they may travel to meet clients outside of Madison (e.g. LAIP clients are incarcerated around Wisconsin), or in Madison (e.g. the Neighborhood Law Clinic maintains offices on the south side of Madison, where students staff office hours). Monday is a drop in general FLAC clinic and is run in cooperation with SICCDA, (South Inner City Community Development Association). Wednesday is a specialist service and is by appointment only. The Unemployment Law Project provides low-cost representation and free advice and counsel to people in Washington State who have been denied unemployment benefits or whose award of benefits is being challenged.
With offices in Seattle and Spokane, Washington, we offer our services to anyone with a Washington State claim.