This number is also located on the back of the card. These cards may or may not contain a signature. A signature is not required for the card to be acceptable for Form I-purposes. Previous Form I-5, front and back. However, in certain circumstances, an EAD past its “ Card Expires” date qualifies as an unexpired EAD.
For nonimmigrant aliens authorized. Fill in Employee Last Name, First Name and Middle Name Initial from Section 1. Unacceptable Social Security Cards. You cannot accept a restricted Social Security card for Form I-9.
SSA issues restricted Social Security cards to individuals lawfully admitted to the United States on a temporary basis. However, if you participate in E-Verify and the employee presents a U. Return the original documents to your employee. Can you use naturalization certificate for i9? Who fills out an I 9? What forms of identification for i9? The EAD card contains a photograph of the individual authorized to work and may include the individual’s fingerprint.

A foreign national who has an EAD usually has open-market employment authorization, but there are exceptions. Department of Homeland Security. Citizenship and Immigration Services. The number consists of three letters followed by at least numbers.
Form I – , and frequently asked questions about the law as it relates to Form I – 9. This could be a combination of letters and numbers, but no symbols or hyphens. Do not accept expired document (s). This document will be a card issued to aliens who are authorized to work temporarily in the United States.
A state-issued temporary driver’s license is an acceptable Form I-List B document if it contains a photograph or identifying information such as name, date of. As the name suggests, an employment authorization card (EAD) authorizes the person to work in the United States. Instructions for Form I – , Employment Eligibility Verification. Name: Name of the cardholder who is authorized to be employed.
Anyone who is authorized to work in the U. How to apply for renewal of employment authorization card ? Hope this was helpful. The answer above is only general in nature and is not legal advice. No attorney client relation has been created.

Please consult with an experienced immigration attorney before taking action. The card will be a “List A” document for this purpose, which means that it establishes both identity and employment eligibility. The new card in no way alters your responsibilities to hire persons who are eligible to work in the United States, complete the I-, and avoid discrimination in the hiring and verification process. Documents carry different weight for Form I – , with some serving as complete verification on their own and others requiring supplementary support.
OPT, based on of your I-form , so have you received your card ? In most cases, you can renew an employment authorization document with USCIS Form I-765. To apply for renewal of an expired or expiring employment authorization card , the USCIS requires applicants file Form I-765. The permanent resident card number is printed on the back of the recent version of the Green Card. Employment Authorization Cards are an acceptable document for I-purposes.

This permanent resident card number is also referred to as case number , receipt number , Green Card number , permanent resident document number , and Form I-5number. It is called a case number because it refers to the specific immigration case.