Emigrate in a sentence

What does it mean to emigrate? When to use emigrate or immigrate? Emigrate sentence examples. Many now emigrate , when occasion offers, to America.

Sentence Examples Their original plan had been to emigrate to Lyme Regis , but an ill-fated pregnancy and the First World War intervened.

To examine this question, we looked at the age of the mates of birds that did not emigrate. Many Mexicans illegally emigrate into the U. We gave that other certificate away to some one else, but if you want to emigrate, we can get you another. Definition of emigrate. Canada to the United States. Keep scrolling for more.

As Filipinos immigrate to other countries, Tagalog films are garnering more attention and a larger fan base.

To immigrate is to settle in a new country or region. To emigrate is to leave a native country or region to settle elsewhere. Obviously the words are closely related and similar enough to elicit confusion, but they’re easy to remember if you think of immigrating as arriving and emigrating as leaving.

Immigrate in a sentence 1. Thus did I immigrate to the land of promise. In desperation, he got the idea to immigrate to the United States. Espinal emigrated from the Dominican Republic five years ago. He emigrated to Kentucky and found his politics anathema to locals. My father emigrated to this country a year before we followed.

Sari would like to immigrate to the United States and find a better life than the one she has in Syria. Frequently Asked Questions About emigrate More Example Sentences Learn More about emigrate. As an immigration lawyer, Jan has helped many people permanently relocate in our country. Migrate is to move, like birds in the winter. As new immigrants arrived in their new lan even more of their friends began emigrating from their old homeland as well.

Soon, all would be reunited. Associate the I of immigrate with “in” to remember that the word means moving into a new country.

Is emigrate an alternative spelling of immigrate? How to use emigrate in a sentence. Ireland to Australia.

EXAMPLES FROM THE WEB FOR EMIGRATE The stations were invaded by families like mine, who thought it more prudent to emigrate. He did not want Geoff to emigrate , but he sympathized in his love for the country. Abandon, bail, emigrate , exit. Etymology of immigrate.

The verb originated with the Latin. Such sentiments have moved Bleich to be less emphatic about emigration. The emigrate list of example sentences with emigrate.

In Eastern Europe, years of antagonism led to widescale emigration. Net emigration to Britain fell from 8 0to nil. There is always emigration, he said. You use this word when someone is departing their country. YourDictionary definition and usage example.

In the villages it becomes a question of starve or emigrate. Artois—the royal tennis-player—had been amongst the very first to emigrate. At all events, Raper was thrown on the world again, and resolved to emigrate.