Domain ownership history

Helping You Get Online Faster. How do I find domain ownership? Who is the owner of a domain name? It has a unique feature that lets you obtain information regarding the current DNS records , as well as nameservers.

The tool promises to deliver high-impact numbers and stats, along with the complete history of domains.

Looking up a domain ownership history is as easy as entering the domain name in the box and click the Lookup button. Non logged in users will only get to see the overall statistics of the whois history such as the number of historical record found for the domain name, the number of significant changes, and the percentage of domain name. This is useful to check website ownership history. Searchers may also be able to see a list of other sites owned by the registrant, each of which can have its own contact information and a potential path back to the owner.

Search domains whois history with help of our tools. See who owned the domains before you and what has changed. Registrars check domain names when transferring ownership Authorities check domain names when investigating criminal activity Keep in min having your personal information made available to the public can also increase your risk of becoming a victim of hackers, spammers and data miners.

A Whois domain lookup allows you to trace the ownership and tenure of a domain name. Similar to how all houses are registered with a governing authority, all domain name registries maintain a record of information about every domain name purchased through them, along with who owns it, and the date till which it has been purchased. If the queried information is not available in RDAP, the query will be redirected to whois. Designate Your Online Presence. No Hidden Fees or Charges.

WHOIS failover lookup). The internet has made it very possible to lookup the history behind any domain name so that you can know what part of the work you need to clean up if you’re going for a domain name. There are some tools for checking the domain history and here I will share the best and easiest ways to check domain history. We have tracked the history of millions of domain names for more than years. Domain Report from DomainTools.

But the protocol remained fundamentally based on those original IETF standards. There is no need to spend days programming to get the job done. Don’t get caught out choosing a domain name that has a bad history.

Thanks to this article you know it is important to check and how to go about doing it. Type the query below Go Our set of lookup tools allow you to research domain names, IP addresses. Find ownership history of domain without paying a fee.

First and foremost, I hope that your intention for doing this is strictly business or something academic. Meaning that you plan to purchase a domain name. Otherwise, it is not right and it’s illegal to hack other people’s property. While expanding their domain footprints, it is often helpful for all types of organizations to uncover a domain ’s entire ownership history. This tool provides all of the registration records ever created for the domain.

This service requires a paid subscription. WhoIs gives only the current owner. I hope the tools mentioned below helps to have a better idea about domain ownership history than any other available means.

It could be a tedious job, but it will do your company a whole lot of good in the end. Our domain name history report can provide you all the information you need. All other relevant information collected throughout the life of the domain from the time it was first registered. Need a domain history.

Everybody has an open access to obtain information about domain name registrant and the ownership of a domain by just clicking on certain informative links. It also helps in keeping a track of domain name expiry dates and the start date of registration. Domnomics book now available on Amazon. EU ccTLD was plundere how one decision to give away free domain names changed the industry forever and led to over a billion.

COM domain names being registered and deleted without their owners ever having to. IP History Shows a historical list of IP addresses a given domain name has been hosted on as well as where that IP address is geographically locate and the owner of that IP address. DNS Lookup tool fetches all DNS Records of a domain and shows as received.

If you changed your hosting or DNS records , then this tool is for you to verify that your records are entered correctly to avoid any downtime. The access to and acquisition of land drove much of American history. From wars, treaties, immigration, and settlement, land is interwoven into the very core of what it means to be America.